Flow patterns around heart valves: A numerical method | 1972/10/01 | English | 1,817 |
Fully multidimensional flux-corrected transport algorithms for fluids | 1979/06/01 | English | 1,770 |
A new algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of Ising spin systems | 1975/01/01 | English | 1,731 |
Structural optimization using sensitivity analysis and a level-set method | 2004/02/01 | English | 1,727 |
Uniformly high order accurate essentially non-oscillatory schemes, III | 1987/08/01 | English | 1,696 |
Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes, II | 1989/07/01 | English | 1,621 |
Numerical integration for polyatomic systems | 1992/03/01 | English | 1,606 |
An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian computing method for all flow speeds | 1974/03/01 | English | 1,593 |
A survey of several finite difference methods for systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws | 1978/04/01 | English | 1,575 |
A time-split nonhydrostatic atmospheric model for weather research and forecasting applications | 2008/03/01 | English | 1,495 |
A spectral element method for fluid dynamics: Laminar flow in a channel expansion | 1984/06/01 | English | 1,448 |
Local adaptive mesh refinement for shock hydrodynamics | 1989/05/01 | English | 1,428 |
A Front-Tracking Method for the Computations of Multiphase Flow | 2001/05/01 | English | 1,411 |
Adaptive mesh refinement for hyperbolic partial differential equations | 1984/03/01 | English | 1,372 |
The Runge–Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Conservation Laws V | 1998/04/01 | English | 1,343 |
Modeling Low Reynolds Number Incompressible Flows Using SPH | 1997/09/01 | English | 1,334 |
A simple boundary condition for unbounded hyperbolic flows | 1976/07/01 | English | 1,299 |
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works | 1973/01/01 | English | 1,298 |
A Non-oscillatory Eulerian Approach to Interfaces in Multimaterial Flows (the Ghost Fluid Method) | 1999/07/01 | English | 1,290 |
Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme. II. Monotonicity and conservation combined in a second-order scheme | 1974/03/01 | English | 1,277 |
Finite difference/spectral approximations for the time-fractional diffusion equation | 2007/08/01 | English | 1,225 |
Combined Immersed-Boundary Finite-Difference Methods for Three-Dimensional Complex Flow Simulations | 2000/06/01 | English | 1,184 |
A new algorithm for adaptive multidimensional integration | 1978/05/01 | English | 1,173 |
An immersed boundary method with direct forcing for the simulation of particulate flows | 2005/11/01 | English | 1,144 |
A Multiscale Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems in Composite Materials and Porous Media | 1997/06/01 | English | 1,141 |
A Coupled Level Set and Volume-of-Fluid Method for Computing 3D and Axisymmetric Incompressible Two-Phase Flows | 2000/08/01 | English | 1,139 |
Dispersion-Relation-Preserving Finite Difference Schemes for Computational Acoustics | 1993/08/01 | English | 1,114 |
Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov methods: a survey of approaches and applications | 2004/01/01 | English | 1,108 |
A fourier method solution for the time dependent Schrödinger equation as a tool in molecular dynamics | 1983/10/01 | English | 1,106 |
New High-Resolution Central Schemes for Nonlinear Conservation Laws and Convection–Diffusion Equations | 2000/05/01 | English | 1,087 |