Communication Teacher

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Understanding and representing changing work structures and practices through art2017/10/17English
Using initial, derived, and terminal credibility to help students understand how they are perceived by others2017/10/17English
Utilizing elements of The Apprentice in the strategic communication campaigns course2017/10/17English
Raising awareness of campus diversity and inclusion: Transformationally teaching diversity through narratives of campus experiences and simulated problem solving2017/10/17English
Conversing cooperatively: Using “mini-conversations” to develop conversational knowledge and skill2017/08/07English
COMS Day as a communication senior capstone team project2017/04/28English
Editorial Board2016/09/21English
Teaching diversity in organizations: stereotyping the stock photo2016/06/23English
Walking on by is just the beginning: dialogically interrogating face-work2016/06/23English
Editorial board Roster issue 30.3—July 20162016/06/23English
Project Me: understanding social identities through social media2016/06/23English
Moving wor(l)ds: Practicing evocative language use through fairy tales2016/10/27English
Stunning statistics for persuasive speaking2016/10/27English
Introducing a complex communication paradigm through a system self-analysis2023/05/16English
Using children’s literature and public libraries to prepare STEM students to communicate technical knowledge2024/03/08English
Fly your identity flag: Using an identity flag activity to relate and teach back self-definition, social identity, and meaning derived from group affiliation2024/03/04English
Influencing health through communication theory: Development of a persuasive campaign for a nonprofit community health center2024/03/04English
Reinventing the realistic job preview: A needed pivot toward equity-based language2024/03/01English
ePUZSOLVED: Learning communication models through interactive online puzzles2023/12/10English
Learning about learning: A theory-based approach to instruction2024/01/18English
Fostering critical consciousness: Critical service learning and intersectional reflexivity in the first-year classroom2023/10/10English
Fantastical speeches: Performing fanfiction to model protest communication2024/03/20English
“Tony Stark could get that job”: Teaching cover letters through fictional characters2024/03/27English
“I wouldn’t fall for that!” Exploring social influence and group decision making2023/03/03English
Making the grade: Student perceptions of labor-based contract grading2024/01/25English
Corporate migration: Exploring the use of language to construct power when organizing2023/01/31English
Incorporating mini lessons on the hidden curriculum in communication classrooms2023/01/01English
Integration of game-based learning to teach levels of measurement in research methods and statistics2023/01/18English
The politics of social media: Utilizing political candidates’ Instagram posts to teach political argumentation and visual argument analysis2023/08/29English
“Backstage” service learning: Using interdisciplinary collaboration to provide service-learning experiences to large and/or underfunded communication courses2023/09/12English