Language, Culture, and Adaptation in Immigrant Children | 2010/10/01 | English | 53 |
Measuring Protective Factors: The Development of Two Resilience Scales in Norway | 2007/04/01 | English | 53 |
Bullying | 2016/04/01 | English | 52 |
Sleep Characteristics of Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder | 2009/10/01 | English | 52 |
Electroencephalographic biofeedback (neurotherapy) as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: rationale and empirical foundation | 2005/01/01 | English | 50 |
Pharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Insomnia | 2009/10/01 | English | 50 |
Psychiatric Hospital Treatment of Children with Autism and Serious Behavioral Disturbance | 2014/01/01 | English | 50 |
Intensive home and community interventions | 2004/10/01 | English | 50 |
The Neurobiology of Eating Disorders | 2019/10/01 | English | 50 |
Understanding and Responding to the Needs of Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth | 2016/01/01 | English | 49 |
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression in Youth | 2006/10/01 | English | 49 |
Sleep Patterns in Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2009/10/01 | English | 49 |
Gastrointestinal Issues and Autism Spectrum Disorder | 2020/07/01 | English | 48 |
Behavioral Approaches to Managing Severe Problem Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum and Related Developmental Disorders | 2014/01/01 | English | 48 |
“Autism-plus” Spectrum Disorders | 2013/10/01 | English | 48 |
The Internet and Children: Advantages and Disadvantages | 2005/07/01 | English | 47 |
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents | 2011/04/01 | English | 45 |
Treatment of Inattention, Overactivity, and Impulsiveness in Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2008/10/01 | English | 45 |
Children's Exposure to Violent Video Games and Desensitization to Violence | 2005/07/01 | English | 45 |
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2015/01/01 | English | 45 |
Strategies for Integrating Mental Health into Schools via a Multitiered System of Support | 2015/04/01 | English | 45 |
Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback in Children and Adolescents | 2014/07/01 | English | 44 |
Preventing Eating Disorders | 2009/01/01 | English | 44 |
History of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Youth | 2011/04/01 | English | 44 |
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind? | 2014/10/01 | English | 44 |
The Interplay Between Digital Media Use and Development | 2018/04/01 | English | 44 |
Video Feedback in Parent-Infant Treatments | 2009/07/01 | English | 43 |
Camp Experiences and Developmental Outcomes for Youth | 2007/10/01 | English | 43 |
Telepsychology: Research and Practice Overview | 2011/01/01 | English | 43 |
Mood-related Sleep Problems in Children and Adolescents | 2009/10/01 | English | 43 |