Engineering Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Doing gender in engineering workplace cultures. II. Gender in/authenticity and the in/visibility paradox2009/11/01English143
Navigating the heteronormativity of engineering: the experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual students2011/04/01English125
Doing gender in engineering workplace cultures. I. Observations from the field2009/03/01English96
Reconstructing engineering from practice2010/12/01English86
Designs on development: engineering, globalization, and social justice2010/04/01English81
Understanding engineering work and identity: a cross-case analysis of engineers within six firms2010/12/01English51
Rigor/Us: Building Boundaries and Disciplining Diversity with Standards of Merit2017/09/02English50
Invisible innovators: how low-income, first-generation students use their funds of knowledge to belong in engineering2016/01/02English46
Empathy and care within engineering: qualitative perspectives from engineering faculty and practicing engineers2013/07/05English43
‘Yes, I do belong’: the women who stay in engineering2013/12/01English41
Taking intermediary objects and equipping work into account in the study of engineering practices2011/04/01English39
What is engineering studies for? Dominant practices and scalable scholarship2009/03/01English39
A historico-ethical perspective on engineering education: from use and convenience to policy engagement2009/03/01English36
A “knowledge profile” of an engineering occupation: temporal patterns in the use of engineering knowledge2010/12/01English32
Situation critical: critical theory and critical thinking in engineering education2012/08/01English29
Making the Familiar Strange: An Ethnographic Scholarship of Integration Contextualizing Engineering Educational Culture as Masculine and Competitive2019/09/02English28
Immigrants' integration and career development in the professional engineering workplace in the context of social and cultural capital2011/08/01English26
Practicing engineers: professional identity construction through role configuration2012/08/01English22
Voices from the workplace: practitioners’ perspectives on the role of empathy and care within engineering2016/09/01English21
Roboticists’ Imaginaries of Robots for Care: The Radical Imaginary as a Tool for an Ethical Discussion2020/09/01English20
The Power and Politics of Engineering Education Research Design: Saving the ‘Small N’2018/09/02English19
Gender Segregation Across Engineering Majors: How Engineering Professors Understand Women’s Underrepresentation in Undergraduate Engineering2017/01/02English17
The Pride and Joy of Engineering? The Identity Work of Male Working-Class Engineering Students2019/09/02English16
Liberal studies in engineering – a design plan2015/09/01English16
Motivations to Leave Engineering: Through a Lens of Social Responsibility2017/09/02English16
The dialectic between expert knowledge and professional discretion: accreditation, social control and the limits of instrumental logic2009/07/01English16
Feminist Scholarship in Engineering Education: Challenges and Tensions2012/12/01English15
Engineering and the social sciences: historical evolution of interdisciplinary approaches to hazard and disaster2014/09/02English15
Anyone, but not Everyone: Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Claims of Who Can Do Engineering2020/05/03English15
‘Can simple biological systems be built from standardized interchangeable parts?’ Negotiating biology and engineering in a synthetic biology competition2013/02/05English14