Shakespeare Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
This Distracted Globe: Worldmaking in Early Modern Literature ed. by Marcie Frank, Jonathan Goldberg, and Karen Newman2016/01/01English
#Bard: "And noble offices thou mayst effect of mediation"2016/01/01English
Ana and Mia: Ophelia on the Web2016/01/01English
"A whole theater of others": Amateur Acting and Immersive Spectatorship in the Digital Shakespeare Game Play the Knave2016/01/01English
Disknowledge: Literature, Alchemy, and the End of Humanism in Renaissance England by Katherine Eggert2017/01/01English
The Hand on the Shakespearean Stage: Gesture, Touch, and the Spectacle of Dismemberment by Farah Karim-Cooper2017/01/01English
Shakespeare and Renaissance Ethics eds. by Patrick Gray and John D. Cox2017/01/01English
Love as Human Freedom by Paul A. Kottman2017/01/01English
Aaron's Name2017/01/01English
Shakespeare for Freedom: Why the Plays Matter by Ewan Fernie2017/01/01English
Friendship and Queer Theory in the Renaissance: Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern England by John S. Garrison, and: Indifference to Difference: On Queer Universalism by Madhavi Menon, and: Queer Philologies: Sex, Language, and Affect in Shakespeare's Time by Jeffrey Masten2017/01/01English
Shakespeare, Steevens, and the Fleeting Moon: Glossing and Reading in Antony and Cleopatra2023/05/31English
Shakespeare’s Chair: Material Culture and Literary Phantasms2023/06/01English
Passing Strange: Shakespeare, Race, and Contemporary America. By Ayanna Thompson2023/09/01English
“A Moniment, without a tombe”: Institution, Instruction, and Succession in Shakespeare’s First Folio2023/09/01English
“Whither are you bound”: The Publication and Shaping of Shakespeare in 1623 and 19232023/09/01English
Teaching Social Justice Through Shakespeare: Why Renaissance Literature Matters Now. Edited by Hillary Eklund and Wendy Beth Hyman2024/03/01English
Rogue Sexuality in Early Modern English Literature: Desire, Status, Biopolitics. By Ari Friedlander2024/03/01English
White People in Shakespeare: Essays on Race, Culture and the Elite, Arden Shakespeare. Edited by Arthur L. Little, Jr2024/03/01English
Shakespeare / Sex: Contemporary Readings in Gender and Sexuality. Arden Shakespeare. Edited by Jennifer Drouin2024/03/01English
Adapting “Macbeth”: A Cultural History. Arden Shakespeare. By William C. Carroll2024/03/01English
John Shakespeare’s “Spiritual Testament” Is Not John Shakespeare’s2024/03/01English
Latinx Shakespeares: Staging U. S. Intracultural Theater. By Carla Della Gatta2024/03/01English
Of Scamels and Such2024/03/01English
Illyria in Shakespeare’s England. By Lea Puljcan Juric2024/03/01English
Shakespeare and London: A Dictionary, Arden Shakespeare. By Sarah Dustagheer2024/03/01English
Performing Gods in Classical Antiquity and the Age of Shakespeare. By Dustin W. Dixon and John S. Garrison2024/03/01English