Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (taking in the atmosphere of the forest) in a mixed forest in Shinano Town, Japan2008/06/01English114
An Empirically Based Typology of Private Forest Owners in Denmark: Improving Communication Between Authorities and Owners2004/01/01English112
Short-rotation forestry with hybrid aspen (Populus tremulaL.×P. tremuloidesMichx.) in Northern Europe2012/01/01English112
Genetic parameters of growth and wood quality traits inPicea abies2004/02/01English111
Green Tree Retention in Fennoscandian Forestry2001/01/01English111
Advances and emerging issues in national forest inventories2010/07/28English111
Effect of Reforestation Methods on Pine Weevil (Hylobius abietis) Damage and Seedling Survival1999/01/01English108
Estimation of diameter and basal area distributions in coniferous forest by means of airborne laser scanner data2004/12/01English104
Woodland key habitats in northern Europe: concepts, inventory and protection2010/07/28English104
Remote sensing and forest inventories in Nordic countries – roadmap for the future2018/01/18English103
Amount and quality of coarse woody debris in natural and managed coniferous forests near the timberline in Finnish Lapland1998/01/01English103
Fire Management for Biodiversity in the European Boreal Forest2001/01/01English102
The roles of nearest neighbor methods in imputing missing data in forest inventory and monitoring databases2009/06/01English99
Functions for below-ground biomass of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Betula pendula and Betula pubescens in Sweden2006/02/01English95
Controlling and predicting the spread ofheterobasidion annosumfrom infected stumps and trees ofpicea abies1987/01/01English93
Measuring biomass and carbon in delaware using an airborne profiling LIDAR2004/12/01English91
Satellite remote sensing for forestry planning—A review1998/01/01English90
GIS-based forest fire susceptibility mapping in Iran: a comparison between evidential belief function and binary logistic regression models2015/08/28English90
Using remotely sensed data to construct and assess forest attribute maps and related spatial products2010/07/28English87
Wood-inhabiting fungi in stems of Fraxinus excelsior in declining ash stands of northern Lithuania, with particular reference to Armillaria cepistipes2005/08/01English87
Comparing stand inventories for large areas based on photo-interpretation and laser scanning by means of cost-plus-loss analyses2004/12/01English87
Forestry in bioeconomy – smart green growth for the humankind2014/05/19English85
Decomposition and nutrient release in needle litter from nitrogen‐fertilized scots pine (pinus sylvestris)stands1987/01/01English85
Attacks by Ips typographus and Pityogenes chalcographus on Windthrown Spruces (Picea abies) During the Two Years Following a Storm Felling2000/01/01English84
Forest Dependency and its Implications for Protected Areas Management: A Case Study From the Nyungwe Forest Reserve, Rwanda2004/01/01English82
Occurrence of heterobasidion annosum in pure and mixed spruce stands in Southern Finland1990/01/01English82
Reforestation with planting in northern Europe2010/07/28English79
Impact of tree species on soil carbon stocks and soil acidity in southern Sweden2006/10/01English78
Comparing biophysical forest characteristics estimated from photogrammetric matching of aerial images and airborne laser scanning data2014/10/08English78
A method for trapping hylobius abietis (L.) with a standardized bait and its potential for forecasting seedling damage1987/01/01English75