Journal of African Earth Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Subsurface linear structures and potential zones of mineralisation of the Iramba-Sekenke greenstone belt, central Tanzania with implications for the structural-controlled mineralisation2024/04/01English
The Influence of Soils of Selected sites of Addis Ababa on Predicted Earthquake Ground Motions2024/04/01English
Hydrothermal system operating mechanism by 3D gravimetric inversion and Vertical Electrical Soundings: Case of Hammam Righa hot springs, central AlgeriaEnglish
Geophysical appraisal and hydrocarbon potential of the Pre-Cenomanian and Miocene reservoirs in the onshore and offshore Gulf of Suez BasinEnglish
Paleodepositional environments, lithostratigraphic bounding surfaces and basin-fill model of Mundeck Formation in Yabassi, NE Douala sub-basinEnglish
Multistage evolution of gold mineralization in the Kibali gold district: Insights from pyrite analysesEnglish
Lithostratigrapy and distribution of Pleistocene sediments of the Munyu wa Gicheru Formation in South Kenya Rift Valley1999/08/01English
Variability of magmatic sulphide compositions at the Kabanga nickel prospect, Tanzania1999/08/01English
Blue lace agate and chalcedony pseudomorphs from Ysterputs in southern Namibia2024/04/01English
Aouelloul impact crater, Mauritania: New structural, lithological, and petrographic dataEnglish
Magnetostratigraphy and palæontology of the continental Middle Miocene of the Aït Kandoula Basin, Morocco2001/08/01English
Eurypterid trackways from the Table Mountain Group (Ordovician) of South Africa1999/07/01English
Origin of tourmaline in the metamorphosed Sikait pelitic belt, south Eastern Desert, Egypt2001/08/01English
Complex thrusting at Uniondale, eastern sector of the Cape Fold Belt, Republic of South Africa: structural evidence for the need to revise the lithostratigraphy1999/07/01English
Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycle of climatic and environmental change on Mount Kenya, Kenya1999/10/01English
Lithologie, structure et métamorphisme des formations birimiennes dans la région d'Odienné(Coˆte d'Ivoire): roˆle majeur du diapirisme des plutons et des décrochements en bordure du craton de Man2000/02/01German
Depositional environments of the Kurnub group (Early Cretaceous) in northern Jordan1999/10/01English
Garnet-bearing leucogranite in the El-Hudi area, southern Egypt: evidence of crustal anatexis during Pan-African low pressure regional metamorphism2001/08/01English
The Karoo Supergroup revisited and Madagascar-Africa fits1999/07/01English
Sm Nd, Rb Sr and Th U Pb zircon ages of syn- and post-tectonic granitoids from the Axum area of northern Ethiopia2000/02/01English
Pegmatite zonation and the use of muscovite as a geochemical indicator for tin-tantalum-tungsten mineralization: Case studies from the Kalehe and Idjwi areas, Democratic Republic of Congo2023/11/01English
2-Dimensional joint inversion modelling of the Niger – Delta basement using potential field data2023/11/01English
Carbonate reservoirs quality assessment using sequence stratigraphy study and diagenetic analysis: A case of the oxic Cenomanian-Turonian deposits in Dahar Cliff, Southern Tunisia2023/11/01English
A tale of two Arabian Cenozoic ooids: Factors controlling the differential growth of ooids across the Arabian Plate2023/11/01English
Variscan structural evolution and metallogenic implications at the paleozoic maider basin, eastern anti-atlas, Morocco2023/11/01English
Magmatic arc construction within the Kedougou-Kenieba inlier, eastern Senegal: Petrographic, lithogeochemical and radiogenic isotope constraints2023/12/01English
An enormous Pliocene or Quaternary Megalake Sudd on the River Nile in the Sudan Basin? A review of the dilemma, and a possible solution2023/12/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Petrological, geochemical and geodynamic evolution of the Wadi Al-Baroud granitoids, north Arabian-Nubian shield, Egypt2023/11/01English
Petrogenesis and possible fingerprints of the Najd shear system on the evolution of deformed granitic rocks in the west Wadi Nugrus area, Egypt2023/11/01English