
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cytologische und stoffwechselphysiologische Untersuchungen am aktiven Meristem der Wurzelspitze von Vicia faba L.1957/12/01German
Polyploidy and differentiation in the transitional epithelium of mouse urinary bladder1957/12/01English
Differential behaviour of chromosomes in Scilla1957/12/01English
Observations sur une structure atypique des chromosomes salivaires de certains Cécidomyides1957/12/01French
Autoradiographic and microspectrophotometric studies of DNA synthesis in excised tobacco pith tissue1957/12/01English
Cytological assay of c-mitotic and prophase poison actions1957/12/01English
Weitere Untersuchungen über die chromosomale Struktur und die naturlichen Strukturtypen von Drosophila subobscura coll1957/12/01German
Comparative studies of chromosome pairing in natural and induced tetraploid dactylis1957/12/01English
The organisation and evolution of the sex multiple in Blaps mucronata1957/12/01English
Zur Karyologie der Meiose des Lebermooses Sphaerocarpus Donnellii1957/12/01German
Untersuchungen am Karyotypus von Chironomus Thummi1957/12/01German
L’evolution des structures chromatiniennes dans les cellules nourricières des ovocytes chez Drosophila melanogaster Meigen1957/12/01French
The irradiation of dividing cells1957/12/01English
Inhomologenpaarung und Meioseablauf bei haploiden Formen von Antirrhinum majus L.1957/12/01German
Multiple Geschlechtschromosomen bei den cypriden Ostracoden, ihre Evolution und ihr Teilungsverhalten1957/12/01German
Die Wirkung von Röntgenstrahlen auf Kerne mit Verschiedener heterochromatischer KOnstitution1957/12/01German
Adhension loci in the differentiated heterochromation of trillium species1957/12/01English
The chromosome complement of the Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) determined in kidney cells cultivated in vitro1957/12/01English
The pattern of protein sulphur after Feulgen hydrolysis in the salivary gland chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster1957/12/01English
Cine-micrographic analysis of c-mitosis in endosperm1957/12/01English
Differences in crossing-over and chromosome size in the sex cells of Lilium and Fritillaria1957/12/01English
The 15th International Chromosome Conference (ICCXV), 5–10 September 2004, Brunel University, UK (Meeting Report)2005/03/31English
21st International Chromosome Conference—Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil2016/03/19English
Using Synthetic DNA Libraries to Investigate Chromatin and Gene Regulation2023/05/15English
Kinesin-7 CENP-E mediates chromosome alignment and spindle assembly checkpoint in meiosis I2024/03/08English
Interspecific cytogenomic comparison reveals a potential chromosomal centromeric marker in Proceratophrys frog species2024/03/28English
Maintenance of genome integrity under physical constraints2024/01/01English
Cross-species chromosome painting and repetitive DNA mapping illuminate the karyotype evolution in true crocodiles (Crocodylidae)2023/07/26English
Increased genome size is caused by heterochromatin addition in two non-related bat species, Hesperoptenus doriae and Philetor brachypterus (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera, Mammalia)2023/06/16English
H3K9 and H4K20 methyltransferases are directly involved in the heterochromatinization of the paternal chromosomes in male Planococcus citri embryos2023/09/12English