Educational Psychology in Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Consultation: Developing a comprehensive approach to service delivery2000/03/01English81
A discussion of the developing role of educational psychologists within Children’s Services2010/03/01English79
Emotional and psychological well-being in children: the development and validation of the Stirling Children’s Well-being Scale2015/03/18English74
Supporting the Development of Emotional Intelligence Competencies to Ease the Transition from Primary to High School2007/03/01English69
Specific Praise Improves On‐task Behaviour and Numeracy Enjoyment: A study of year four pupils engaged in the numeracy hour2004/12/01English69
A content analysis of school anti‐bullying policies: progress and limitations2008/03/01English63
Educational Psychology: The distinctive contribution2006/12/01English59
An accountable model of practice1998/01/01English58
Empowering teachers to implement a growth mindset2017/10/17English57
A review of key issues in the measurement of children’s social and emotional skills2010/06/01English56
Prevention is better than cure: coping skills training for adolescents at school2004/06/01English55
Developing Resilience in Children Who are in Public Care: The educational psychology perspective2003/03/01English52
Teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education: a critical review of published questionnaires2017/12/30English52
The effect of childhood bereavement on secondary school performance2004/03/01English52
Investigating the Evidence Base of Social Stories2006/12/01English52
School Non‐attendance: Definitions, meanings, responses, interventions2007/03/01English52
The 'Simple View' of Reading: Some evidence and possible implications2001/03/01English46
Establishing Staff Consultation Groups in Schools1992/07/01English46
Circles of Friends1996/01/01English46
Precision Teaching and Fluency Training: Making maths easier for pupils and teachers2000/09/01English46
A content analysis of school anti-bullying policies: a follow-up after six years2012/03/01English44
Asperger Syndrome (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and the Self-Reports of Comprehensive School Students2000/09/01English43
Exploring the impact of bullying on young bystanders2012/11/08English42
Child refugees, trauma and education: interactionist considerations on social and emotional needs and development2009/12/01English42
Responding to Chronic Non-attendance: A review of intervention approaches2003/06/01English40
The mental health and psychological well-being of refugee children and young people: an exploration of risk, resilience and protective factors2017/04/03English40
Secondary transition experiences for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASCs)2011/09/01English39
Test anxiety and GCSE performance: the effect of gender and socio‐economic background2008/12/01English39
Shyness as a Factor when Assessing Children2002/09/01English39
The self-efficacy of primary teachers in supporting the inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorder2017/12/11English38