Infectious Disease Modelling

Title Publication Date Language Citations
To mask or not to mask: Modeling the potential for face mask use by the general public to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic2020/01/01English477
An updated estimation of the risk of transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCov)2020/01/01English261
Real-time forecasts of the COVID-19 epidemic in China from February 5th to February 24th, 20202020/01/01English241
Why is it difficult to accurately predict the COVID-19 epidemic?2020/01/01English232
Reproduction numbers of infectious disease models2017/08/01English228
Fitting dynamic models to epidemic outbreaks with quantified uncertainty: A primer for parameter uncertainty, identifiability, and forecasts2017/08/01English125
Mathematical epidemiology: Past, present, and future2017/05/01English118
A primer on model selection using the Akaike Information Criterion2020/01/01English113
Propagation analysis and prediction of the COVID-192020/01/01English110
A primer on stochastic epidemic models: Formulation, numerical simulation, and analysis2017/05/01English109
Transmission potential of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) onboard the diamond Princess Cruises Ship, 20202020/01/01English108
Estimating epidemic exponential growth rate and basic reproduction number2020/01/01English98
A COVID-19 epidemic model with latency period2020/01/01English92
Will an imperfect vaccine curtail the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.?2020/01/01English70
A primer on using mathematics to understand COVID-19 dynamics: Modeling, analysis and simulations2021/01/01English57
Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 epidemic with effect of awareness programs2021/01/01English52
Mathematical models of SIR disease spread with combined non-sexual and sexual transmission routes2017/02/01English47
A simple model for COVID-192020/01/01English36
COVID-19 epidemic prediction and the impact of public health interventions: A review of COVID-19 epidemic models2021/01/01English36
Using statistics and mathematical modelling to understand infectious disease outbreaks: COVID-19 as an example2020/01/01English35
On the reliability of predictions on Covid-19 dynamics: A systematic and critical review of modelling techniques2021/01/01English35
Mathematical modeling and the transmission dynamics in predicting the Covid-19 - What next in combating the pandemic2020/01/01English34
In-host modeling2017/05/01English32
Modeling and forecasting of COVID-19 using a hybrid dynamic model based on SEIRD with ARIMA corrections2021/01/01English30
Mathematical model of Zika virus with vertical transmission2017/05/01English29
Modeling the impact of quarantine during an outbreak of Ebola virus disease2019/01/01English27
Some models for epidemics of vector-transmitted diseases2016/10/01English27
Predictive modelling of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Nigeria2020/01/01English26
Prediction of the final size for COVID-19 epidemic using machine learning: A case study of Egypt2020/01/01English26
Generalized logistic growth modeling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia2020/01/01English25