SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Localized Tight Frames on Spheres2006/01/01English171
Conjecture on the Structure of Solutions of the Riemann Problem for Two-Dimensional Gas Dynamics Systems1990/05/01English171
The Existence of an Infinite Discrete Set of Transmission Eigenvalues2010/01/01English166
The Riemann–Hilbert Problem and Inverse Scattering1989/07/01English166
A Chemotaxis-Haptotaxis Model: The Roles of Nonlinear Diffusion and Logistic Source2011/01/01English165
Uniqueness of a Limit Cycle for a Predator-Prey System1981/07/01English163
Existence and Nonexistence of Solitary Wave Solutions to Higher-Order Model Evolution Equations1992/09/01English160
Superresolution via Sparsity Constraints1992/09/01English156
Singularities of the X-Ray Transform and Limited Data Tomography in $\mathbb{R}^2 $ and $\mathbb{R}^3 $1993/09/01English148
Traveling Wave Solutions to Combustion Models and Their Singular Limits1985/11/01English148
Periodic Solutions of Single-Species Models with Periodic Delay1992/05/01English147
Long-time Asymptotics for the Camassa–Holm Equation2009/01/01English146
Global Existence and Boundedness in Reaction-Diffusion Systems1987/05/01English140
A Set of Orthogonal Polynomials That Generalize the Racah Coefficients or $6 - j$ Symbols1979/09/01English139
Uniform Asymptotic Stability of Evolutionary Processes in a Banach Space1972/08/01English138
Global Bifurcation of Positive Solutions in Some Systems of Elliptic Equations1986/11/01English133
Some Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials1980/07/01English133
Snakes, Ladders, and Isolas of Localized Patterns2009/01/01English131
Ergodic Properties of Linear Dynamical Systems1987/01/01English131
Hidden Variable Fractal Interpolation Functions1989/09/01English130
Selberg Integrals and Hypergeometric Functions Associated with Jack Polynomials1993/07/01English130
Some Conjectures for Root Systems1982/11/01English129
Simple Regularity Criteria for Subdivision Schemes1992/11/01English129
The 2D Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics Equations with only Magnetic Diffusion2014/01/01English128
Singular Perturbations of a General Boundary Value Problem1972/08/01English125
Large-Data Global Generalized Solutions in a Chemotaxis System with Tensor-Valued Sensitivities2015/01/01English124
Serrin-Type Criterion for the Three-Dimensional Viscous Compressible Flows2011/01/01English122
Spreading Speeds and Traveling Waves for Nonmonotone Integrodifference Equations2008/01/01English122
$L^\infty $ Estimate for Some Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Application to an Existence Result1992/03/01English121
New and Improved Johnson–Lindenstrauss Embeddings via the Restricted Isometry Property2011/01/01English120