SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Cauchy Problem for the \(\boldsymbol{N}\)-Dimensional Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations without Heat Conductivity2023/04/28English
Global Existence and Optimal Time-Decay Rates of the Compressible Navier–Stokes–Euler System2023/06/05English
Exponential Convergence to Equilibrium for Coupled Systems of Nonlinear Degenerate Drift Diffusion Equations2023/06/02English
Joint Geometry/Frequency Analyticity of Fields Scattered by Periodic Layered Media2023/06/02English
Asymptotic Stability for Diffusion with Dynamic Boundary Reaction from Ginzburg–Landau Energy2023/04/27English
Stability Threshold of the Couette Flow for Navier–Stokes Boussinesq System with Large Richardson Number \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}^{\boldsymbol{2}} \boldsymbol{\gt} \frac{\boldsymbol 1}{\boldsymbol 4}\)2023/04/27English
Scattering by Finely Layered Obstacles: Frequency-Explicit Bounds and Homogenization2023/04/27English
On Existence of Multiple Normalized Solutions to a Class of Elliptic Problems in Whole \(\mathbb{R}^N\) via Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category2023/04/27English
An Inverse Boundary Value Problem Arising in Nonlinear Acoustics2023/04/27English
Square Root Normal Fields for Lipschitz Surfaces and the Wasserstein Fisher Rao Metric2024/03/08English
Almost Global Existence for Kirchhoff Equations Around Global Solutions2024/03/04English
Inverse Scattering for the Biharmonic Wave Equation with a Random Potential2024/03/04English
Evolution of Dispersal in Advective Homogeneous Environments: Inflow Versus Outflow2024/03/01English
Global Dynamics to the Periodic Ferromagnetic Spin Chain System2024/03/01English
Asymptotic Expansion of the Spectrum for Periodic Schrödinger Operators2024/03/01English
Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Poiseuille Flow of Nematic Liquid Crystal via Full Ericksen–Leslie Model2024/03/01English
Poisson Equation on Wasserstein Space and Diffusion Approximations for Multiscale McKean–Vlasov Equation2024/03/01English
Fuglede-Type Arguments for Isoperimetric Problems and Applications to Stability Among Convex Shapes2024/03/01English
Modulated Energy Estimates for Singular Kernels and their Applications to Asymptotic Analyses for Kinetic Equations2024/03/01English
Minimal Mass Blow-Up Solutions for the \(\boldsymbol{L}^{\boldsymbol{2}}\)-Critical NLS with the Delta Potential for Even Data in One Dimension2024/03/01English
Torsional Rigidity in Random Walk Spaces2024/03/01English
On the Global Well-Posedness for the Periodic Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation2024/03/04English
Nonlocal Bounded Variations with Applications2024/03/04English
Semidiscrete Modeling of Systems of Wedge Disclinations and Edge Dislocations via the Airy Stress Function Method2024/01/04English
Large Deviations for Stochastic Generalized Porous Media Equations Driven by Lévy Noise2024/01/03English
Regularity and Long Time Behavior of One-Dimensional First-Order Mean Field Games and the Planning Problem2024/01/03English
Structural Stability of Radial Interior Subsonic Steady-States to n-D Euler-Poisson System of Semiconductor Models with Sonic Boundary2023/11/10English
Weakly Nonlinear Geometric Optics for the Westervelt Equation and Recovery of the Nonlinearity2024/01/16English
The Magnetic Liouville Equation as a Semiclassical Limit2024/01/19English
Quantitative Coarse-Graining of Markov Chains2024/01/18English