Cogent Economics & Finance

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Profitability and profit efficiency of certified groundnut seed and conventional groundnut production in Northern Ghana: A comparative analysis2019/01/01English10
Market discipline and the regulatory change: Evidence from Vietnam2020/01/01English10
Time varying integration amongst the South Asian equity markets: An empirical study2018/01/01English10
Differentials in technical efficiency among smallholder cassava farmers in Central Madagascar: A Cobb Douglas stochastic frontier production approach2016/02/18English10
On the robust drivers of public debt in Africa: Fresh evidence from Bayesian model averaging approach2021/01/01English10
Multimarket contacts and bank profitability: do diversification and bank ownership matter?2020/01/01English9
Stock market reaction to inflation announcement in the Indian stock market: A sectoral analysis2020/01/01English9
Profit efficiency and determinants of Indian banks; A truncated bootstrap and data envelopment analysis2020/01/01English9
Improving loan repayment in Ghana: Does financial literacy matter?2020/01/01English9
Deductions from a Sub-Saharan African Bank’s Tweets: A sentiment analysis approach2020/01/01English9
Do oil prices influence economic growth in Ghana? An empirical analysis2018/01/01English9
Impact of financial development and credit information sharing on the use of trade credit: Empirical evidence from Pakistan2018/01/01English9
Women on boardroom: Does it create risk?2017/01/01English9
The determinants of bank profitability and risk: A random forest approach2022/01/05English9
Determinants of adopting improved bread wheat varieties in Arsi Highland, Oromia Region, Ethiopia: A Double-Hurdle Approach2021/01/01English9
Corporate governance, tax avoidance, and corporate social responsibility: Evidence of emerging market of Nigeria and frontier market of Pakistan2022/05/31English9
Determinants of commercial bank’s non-performing loans in Bangladesh: An empirical evidence2023/04/01English9
The comparison of the hedonic, repeat sales, and hybrid models: Evidence from the Chinese paintings market2018/01/01English9
Evidence of adverse selection in automobile insurance market: A seemingly unrelated probit modelling2017/01/01English9
Japanese SMEs and the credit guarantee system after the global financial crisis2015/01/20English9
Spatial production distribution, economic viability and value chain features of teff in Ethiopia: Systematic review2022/01/10English9
An ARDL investigation on the nexus of oil factors and economic growth: A timeseries evidence from Sultanate of Oman2020/01/01English9
Determinants of climate finance: Analysis of recipient characteristics in Sub-Sahara Africa2021/01/01English9
Revisiting the agency conflicts in family owned pyramidal business structures: A case of an emerging market2021/01/01English9
Determinants of financial inclusion: does culture matter?2022/05/10English9
The relationship between aid and economic growth of developing countries: Does institutional quality and economic freedom matter?2022/04/16English9
On the relationship between oil price, exchange rate and stock market performance in South Africa: Further evidence from time-varying and regime switching approaches2022/07/31English9
Impact of trade openness on bank risk-taking behavior: Evidence from a developing country2020/01/01English9
Determinants of rural households’ livelihood diversification strategies: In the case of north Wollo zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia2023/03/15English9
Food prices response to global and national factors: Evidence beyond asymmetry2023/03/15English9