Labour Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Consequences of forced migration: A survey of recent findings2019/08/01English139
Maternal employment and adolescent development2008/10/01English139
The effect of a large expansion of pre-primary school facilities on preschool attendance and maternal employment2007/06/01English136
Educational mismatch, wages, and wage growth: Overeducation in Sweden, 1974–20002009/04/01English134
Lifecycle bias in estimates of intergenerational earnings persistence2006/10/01English131
Rising wage inequality, the decline of collective bargaining, and the gender wage gap2010/10/01English126
Productivity effects of air pollution: Evidence from professional soccer2017/10/01English122
Overeducation at the start of the career: Stepping stone or trap?2013/12/01English119
Employment protection reforms, employment and the incidence of temporary jobs in Europe: 1996–20012010/01/01English119
Unexplained gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder decompositions2010/01/01English117
Fertility and female labor supply in Latin America: New causal evidence2007/06/01English117
Noncognitive skills, occupational attainment, and relative wages2011/01/01English117
Empirical evidence on occupation and industry specific human capital2010/06/01English117
Why is the payoff to schooling smaller for immigrants?2008/12/01English116
The relationship between health and labour force participation: Evidence from a panel data simultaneous equation model2010/01/01English115
The effects of age and family constraints on gender hiring discrimination: A field experiment in the French financial sector2007/06/01English114
How far can reduced childcare prices push female labour supply?2008/08/01English112
Retirement, pension eligibility and home production2016/01/01English111
The impact of education on unemployment incidence and re-employment success: Evidence from the U.S. labour market2011/08/01English111
The dynamics of repeated temporary jobs2005/08/01English110
Minimum wage effects in a developing country2009/04/01English110
College major, internship experience, and employment opportunities: Estimates from a résumé audit2016/01/01English109
Flexicurity and job satisfaction in Europe: The importance of perceived and actual job stability for well-being at work2009/10/01English105
Did working families' tax credit work? The impact of in-work support on labour supply in Great Britain2006/12/01English105
Entrepreneurship: Origins and returns2011/04/01English104
Counterfactual distributions with sample selection adjustments: Econometric theory and an application to the Netherlands2009/08/01English103
Evaluating the effectiveness of private education across countries: a comparison of methods2004/08/01English102
Differential effects of active labour market programs for the unemployed2008/06/01English101
Can child care policy encourage employment and fertility?2011/08/01English101
Mental health and productivity at work: Does what you do matter?2017/06/01English100