International Journal of American Linguistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Textos Vilelas. By Elena Lozano. Edited by, Lucía Golluscio Serie Archivo de Lenguas Indoamericanas, Colleción Nuestra América, Instituto de Lingüística, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2006. Pp. 127.2012/04/01English9
Denominal Verbs in Ojibwe2013/01/01English9
The Personal Paradigms in Baure and Other Southern Arawakan Languages2011/10/01English9
Testing Procedures for Estimating Transfer of Information among Iroquois Dialects and Languages1952/01/01English9
The Phonemic Structure of Proto-Zapotec1947/10/01English9
Uto-Aztecan Morphophonemics1977/01/01English9
Proto-Athapaskan-Eyak and the Problem of Na-Dene: The Phonology1964/04/01English9
Kleinschmidt Centennial V: Eskimo Aleut Correspondences1951/10/01English9
Reduplication and Accent in Southeastern Tepehuan1982/04/01English9
Semantics of the Inuktitut (Eskimo) Spatial Deictics1982/10/01English9
The Color Lexica of Two American Indian Languages, Quechi and Misquito: A Critical Contribution to the Application of the Whorf Thesis to Color Naming1978/01/01English9
Mayan Affinities with Chipaya of Bolivia I: Correspondences1964/10/01English9
Origin of the Nootka Pharyngeals1969/04/01English9
Klamath Laryngeal Phonology1993/07/01English9
Onondaga Noun Incorporation: Some Notes on the Interdependence of Syntax and Semantics1975/01/01English9
From Latin American Publications1962/04/01English9
Zoque II: Phonemes and Morphophonemes1951/04/01English9
Chocó I: Introduction and Bibliography1963/07/01English9
The Classification of the Mayan Languages1956/07/01English9
A List of Chipewyan Stems1933/01/01English9
Ergativity in the Cholan Languages1988/01/01English9
Historical Reconstruction of Mayan Applicative and Antidative Constructions2003/04/01English9
Middle Voice in Otomi2004/01/01English9
Kwaza in a Comparative Perspective2005/10/01English9
A Combined Comparative and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Chapacuran Language Family2016/07/01English9
Plurality Agreement in Some Eastern Mayan Languages2011/07/01English9
The Dene–Yeniseian Connection. Edited By James Kari and Ben A. Potter. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, n.s., 5, nos. 1–2. A Special Joint Publication of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Fairbanks: Department of Anthropology and Alaska Native Language Center, 2010. Pp. vi + 363. $40.00 (individuals); $100.00 (institutions) (paper).2011/07/01English8
Derived Words in Tohono O'odham1992/10/01English8
Ecuadoran Media Lengua: More Than A “Half”-Language?2017/04/02English8
An Ontology of Landscape and Seascape in Greenland: The Linguistic Encoding of Land in Kalaallisut2019/01/01English8