Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Hygiene)

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Erratum to : Studies on the organic mercury compound in the fish and shellfish from Minamata Bay as the causative agent of Minamata disease and the formation of the poison1964/01/01English
Erratum to : Inhalation chamber of sulfur dioxide and determination of its concentration1960/01/01English
Erratum to : On the Effect of the Ultraviolet-rays upon the Oxydation-reduction System in Lens1958/01/01English
Erratum to : Epidemiological Study on Respiratory Effects of Smoking in College Students1993/01/01English
Erratum to : Studies on the Origin of the Causative Agent of Minamata Disease Report VIII On the Formation of Methyl Mercury Compounds in an Acetaldehyde Plant1967/01/01English
Editor’s Note2017/01/01English
Analysis of Distribution of Vector-Borne Diseases Using Geographic Information Systems2017/01/01English
To the memory of the late Dr. Takeo Yamamoto2017/01/01English
House Dust and Its Adverse Health Effects2018/01/01English
Importance of Two Birth Cohorts (n=20,926 and n=514): 15 Years’ Experience of the Hokkaido Study on Environment and Children’s Health: Malformation, Development and Allergy2018/01/01English
Does Malnutrition during Fetal Life Have a Potential to Be a Precipitating Factor for Developmental Disorders?2018/01/01English
Book Review2018/01/01English
Environmental Factors and MicroRNA: Application for DOHaD Research and Future Perspectives2018/01/01English
Genetic and Environmental Factors in Childhood Affecting High Brain Function2018/01/01English
Reliability and Validity of the Behavioral Check List for Preschool Children to Measure Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Behaviors2018/01/01English
To the memory of the late Dr. Hideyasu Aoyama2018/01/01English
Editor’s Note2018/01/01English
Thermal and Lighting Housing Environments and Circadian Blood Pressure Variability: Findings from the HEIJO-KYO Cohort2018/01/01English
New Approach to the Investigation of DOHaD Using X-inactivation Gene Expression System2018/01/01English
Health Risk Factors for Housing Environment and Risk Management2018/01/01English
Reproductive/Developmental Abnormalities Induced by Epigenetic Aberrations and Possible Environmental Causes2016/01/01English
Development of a Comprehensive Health Literacy Scale and Relationship between Health Literacy and Health-Related Behaviors among Japanese Workers2024/01/01English
To the memory of the late Dr. Akira Okada2024/01/01English
Editor’s Note2017/01/01English
Factors Related to Work Engagement in Occupational Health Nurses: From both Aspects of Work Environmental and Individual Factors2023/01/01English
A Review of the Book “Minamata Disease and the Responsibility of Medical Authorities”2023/01/01English