Journal of High Energy Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The string landscape, black holes and gravity as the weakest force2007/06/15802
The dS/CFT correspondence2001/10/26783
Adding flavor to AdS/CFT2002/06/19771
Nonlinear fluid dynamics from gravity2008/02/14763
Systematics of Moduli Stabilisation in Calabi-Yau Flux Compactifications2005/03/02762
Black holes as mirrors: quantum information in random subsystems2007/09/26755
Tachyon Matter2002/07/29753
Fast scramblers2008/10/15725
Black hole entropy from near-horizon microstates1998/02/15710
Noncommutative perturbative dynamics2000/02/15709
Supersymmetric unification without low energy supersymmetry and signatures for fine-tuning at the LHC2005/06/28698
Causality, analyticity and an IR obstruction to UV completion2006/10/04696
Ghost Condensation and a Consistent IR Modification of Gravity2004/05/29688
EPS09 — A new generation of NLO and LO nuclear parton distribution functions2009/04/16686
The strongly-interacting light Higgs2007/06/13665
Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics, conformal invariance, and holography2008/04/29655
Bounding scalar operator dimensions in 4DCFT2008/12/09628
Gluon scattering amplitudes at strong coupling2007/06/18626
MadEvent: automatic event generation with MadGraph2003/02/17618
M-theory, orientifolds and G-flux1999/08/27615
Better jet clustering algorithms1997/08/08609
Bubbling AdS space and 1/2 BPS geometries2004/10/12606
From AdS/CFT correspondence to hydrodynamics2002/09/19590
Critical point of QCD at finite T and  , lattice results for physical quark masses2004/04/22572
Membranes at quantum criticality2009/03/04557
The search for heavy Majorana neutrinos2009/05/07544
Double field theory2009/09/23540
A covariant entropy conjecture1999/07/02528
A positive-weight next-to-leading-order Monte Carlo for heavy flavour hadroproduction2007/09/28527
Strong interactions and stability in the DGP model2003/09/12526