Combustion Theory and Modelling

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Characteristics of microjet methane diffusion flames2006/10/01English34
Soot and NO formation in counterflow ethylene/oxygen/nitrogen diffusion flames2004/01/01English34
Multicomponent transport impact on turbulent premixed H2/O2flames2002/09/01English33
Multidimensional chemistry coordinate mapping approach for combustion modelling with finite-rate chemistry2012/12/01English33
Constrained-equilibrium calculations for chemical systems subject to generalized linear constraints using the NASA and STANJAN equilibrium programs1997/03/01English33
Cellular instabilities, sublimit structures and edge-flames in premixed counterflows1999/03/01English33
Reduced chemistry for hydrogen and methanol premixed flames via RCCE2007/09/18English33
Predicting the ignition delay of turbulent methane jets using Conditional Source-term Estimation2007/11/23English33
Structure of downward spreading flames: a comparison of numerical simulation, experimental results and a simplified parabolic theory2004/03/01English33
A consistent-splitting approach to computing stiff steady-state reacting flows with adaptive chemistry2003/06/01English33
An adaptive multi-grid chemistry (AMC) model for efficient simulation of HCCI and DI engine combustion2009/01/22English33
Characteristic regimes of premixed gas combustion in high-porosity micro-fibrous porous media2010/08/19English33
A computational framework for predicting laminar reactive flows with soot formation2010/09/30English33
Characterizing fingering flamelets using the logistic model2006/04/01English32
Two-dimensional simulations of steady perforated-plate stabilized premixed flames2010/03/16English32
The two-dimensional structure of low strain rate counterflow nonpremixed-methane flames in normal and microgravity2008/03/19English32
Numerical simulation of flames as gas-dynamic discontinuities2006/06/01English32
The hydrogen–air burning rate near the lean flammability limit2009/09/14English32
Geometrical study of spark ignition in two dimensions2000/12/01English32
Fractal modelling of turbulent combustion2000/12/01English32
Validation of flow simulation and gas combustion sub-models for the CFD-based prediction of NOxformation in biomass grate furnaces2010/12/14English32
PDF calculations of piloted premixed jet flames2010/12/07English32
High-frequency response of premixed flames to weak stretch and curvature: a variable-density analysis1997/04/01English31
Edges of flames that do not exist: flame-edge dynamics in a non-premixed counterflow2000/12/01English31
Detonation waves in PBX 95012006/12/01English31
Pulsating one-dimensional detonations in hydrogen–air mixtures2004/12/01English31
The role of cool-flame chemistry in quasi-steady combustion and extinction ofn-heptane droplets2014/07/24English31
Direct numerical simulations of exhaust gas recirculation effect on multistage autoignition in the negative temperature combustion regime for stratified HCCI flow conditions by using H2O2addition2013/04/01English31
Computation of NO x emission of a methane - air diffusion flame in a two-dimensional laminar jet with detailed chemistry1997/03/01English31
A reduced mechanism for biodiesel surrogates with low temperature chemistry for compression ignition engine applications2011/11/21English31