Combustion Theory and Modelling

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Presumed PDF modeling for RANS simulation of turbulent premixed flames2010/07/09English45
Stochastic simulation of transport and chemical kinetics in turbulent CO/H2/N2 flames2001/12/01English45
On stochastic Damköhler number variations in a homogeneous flow reactor2000/12/01English45
Premixed flames in closed cylindrical tubes2001/09/01English45
Flame structure analysis and flamelet progress variable modelling of strained coal flames2017/02/26English45
Computational study of lean premixed turbulent flames using RANSPDF and LESPDF methods2013/08/01English45
Premixed flames modelled with thermally sensitive intermediate branching kinetics2007/11/23English45
A numerical study of confined triple flames using a flamelet-generated manifold2004/03/01English45
Effects of equivalence ratio variation on lean, stratified methane–air laminar counterflow flames2010/10/27English45
Eulerian transported probability density function sub-filter model for large-eddy simulations of turbulent combustion2006/06/01English44
Dynamic adaptive chemistry for turbulent flame simulations2013/02/01English43
Flame enhancement and quenching in fluid flows2003/09/01English43
Fast, non-diffusive ignition of a gaseous reacting mixture subject to a point energy source2001/09/01English43
Large eddy simulation of piloted pulverised coal combustion using extended flamelet/progress variable model2017/04/24English43
Numerical resolution of pulsating detonation waves2000/09/01English42
Comparisons of Lagrangian and Eulerian PDF methods in simulations of non-premixed turbulent jet flames with moderate-to-strong turbulence-chemistry interactions2012/06/01English42
An unsteady laminar flamelet model for non-premixed combustion2000/03/01English42
The cellular structure of a two-dimensional H2/O2/Ar detonation wave2004/06/01English42
H2/air autoignition: The nature and interaction of the developing explosive modes2015/04/14English42
Numerical model of two-dimensional heterogeneous combustion in porous media under natural convection or forced filtration2017/12/05English41
Effects of combined dimension reduction and tabulation on the simulations of a turbulent premixed flame using a large-eddy simulation/probability density function method2014/05/04English41
Pattern formation in flame spread over thin solid fuels2008/03/19English41
Numerical solution of three-dimensional heterogeneous solid propellants2003/09/01English40
A global sensitivity study of cyclohexane oxidation under low temperature fuel-rich conditions using HDMR methods2009/09/14English40
Turbulence–chemistry interactions in non-premixed swirling flames2007/09/18English40
A study of detonation diffraction in the ignition-and-growth model2007/09/18English40
Multi-environment probability density function method for modelling turbulent combustion using realistic chemical kinetics2007/11/23English40
Detailed modeling of planar transcritical H2–O2–N2flames2011/01/26English40
Microgravity droplet combustion: effect of tethering fiber on burning rate and flame structure2011/08/01English40
A dynamical systems model of the limiting oxygen index test: II. Retardancy due to char formation and addition of inert fillers2001/03/01English40