Combustion Theory and Modelling

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Investigation of the transition from lightly sooting towards heavily sooting co-flow ethylene diffusion flames2004/01/01English84
An automatic chemical lumping method for the reduction of large chemical kinetic mechanisms2008/11/18English83
The role of radical wall quenching in flame stability and wall heat flux: hydrogen-air mixtures1998/12/01English83
High resolution numerical simulation of ideal and non-ideal compressible reacting flows with embedded internal boundaries1997/01/01English80
Spectral stochastic uncertainty quantification in chemical systems2004/01/01English75
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos analysis of one-dimensional pulsating detonations2005/02/01English74
The flame preheating effect on numerical modelling of soot formation in a two-dimensional laminar ethylene–air diffusion flame2002/06/01English71
Mechanisms of detonation formation due to a temperature gradient2002/12/01English70
A posteriori testing of algebraic flame surface density models for LES2013/06/01English68
Modelling of turbulent scalar flux in turbulent premixed flames based on DNS databases2006/02/01English68
Stability characteristics and flowfields of turbulent non-premixed swirling flames2003/11/04English68
Monte Carlo PDF modelling of a turbulent natural-gas diffusion flame1997/01/01English67
Pulsating instability of detonations with a two-step chain-branching reaction model: theory and numerics2003/06/01English64
Impact of volume viscosity on a shock–hydrogen-bubble interaction2008/03/19English63
Modelling of the correlation between velocity and reactive scalar gradients in turbulent premixed flames based on DNS data2008/07/23English63
An aerosol model to predict size and structure of soot particles2005/08/01English61
Turbulent propagation of premixed flames in the presence of Darrieus–Landau instability2011/02/10English61
Heat release rate as represented by [OH] × [CH2O] and its role in autoignition2009/09/14English59
A capturing - tracking hybrid scheme for deflagration discontinuities1997/02/01English58
Numerical study of premixed HCCI engine combustion and its sensitivity to computational mesh and model uncertainties2003/06/01English58
Modelling of turbulent lifted jet flames using flamelets:a prioriassessment anda posteriorivalidation2014/03/04English58
The onset of oscillations in diffusion flames2001/06/01English58
Critical conditions for spherical flame initiation in mixtures with high Lewis numbers2000/06/01English58
Experimental observations of methane–oxygen diffusion flame structure in a sub-millimetre microburner2005/02/01English57
Modeling evaporation effects in conditional moment closure for spray autoignition2011/10/01English57
Mass transfer and combustion in transcritical non-premixed counterflows2009/01/22English57
Effect of structural conduction and heat loss on combustion in micro-channels2006/02/01English56
Modelling of ammonia/air non-premixed turbulent swirling flames in a gas turbine-like combustor at various pressures2018/06/26English55
Simulations of premixed combustion in porous media2002/09/01English55
Assessment of the constant non-unity Lewis number assumption in chemically-reacting flows2016/06/07English54