Combustion Theory and Modelling

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Computationally efficient implementation of combustion chemistry usingin situadaptive tabulation1997/01/01English713
Understanding the mechanism of aluminium nanoparticle oxidation2006/10/01English282
Effect of polymorphic phase transformations in alumina layer on ignition of aluminium particles2006/08/01English250
Numerical simulation of laminar reacting flows with complex chemistry2000/12/01English204
Characteristic boundary conditions for simulations of compressible reacting flows with multi-dimensional, viscous and reaction effects2007/04/01English179
Modelling non-adiabatic partially premixed flames using flame-prolongation of ILDM2003/09/01English161
Theoretical analysis of the evolution from ignition kernel to flame ball and planar flame2007/04/24English152
Combustibles, fuels and their combustion products: A view through carbon isotopes2006/10/01English151
Characteristic boundary conditions for direct simulations of turbulent counterflow flames2005/11/01English151
Numerical investigation of the instability for one-dimensional Chapman–Jouguet detonations with chain-branching kinetics2005/08/01English150
Constituent properties of HMX needed for mesoscale simulations2002/03/01English149
The extension of the ILDM concept to reaction–diffusion manifolds2007/11/23English149
Flow and mixing fields of turbulent bluff-body jets and flames1998/06/01English147
Investigation of azimuthal staging concepts in annular gas turbines2011/10/01English136
Effects of compression and stretch on the determination of laminar flame speeds using propagating spherical flames2009/03/31English132
Partially premixed flamelets in LES of nonpremixed turbulent combustion2002/12/01English122
Thermal diffusion effects in hydrogen-air and methane-air flames1998/12/01English117
Modelling of premixed counterflow flames using the flamelet-generated manifold method2002/09/01English116
Nonlinear dynamics of flame in a narrow channel with a temperature gradient2007/04/01English107
Large Eddy Simulations of a piloted lean premix jet flame using finite-rate chemistry2011/08/01English105
Numerical study of influence of molecular diffusion in the Mild combustion regime2010/09/30English104
Development and validation of an n-dodecane skeletal mechanism for spray combustion applications2014/03/04English96
A numerical study of auto-ignition in turbulent lifted flames issuing into a vitiated co-flow2007/04/24English94
Comparison of well-mixed and multiple representative interactive flamelet approaches for diesel spray combustion modelling2014/01/02English94
Pdf calculations of turbulent lifted flames of H2/N2fuel issuing into a vitiated co-flow2004/03/01English93
Numerical modelling of soot formation and oxidation in laminar coflow non-smoking and smoking ethylene diffusion flames2003/06/01English92
Experimental observations of flame acceleration and transition to detonation following shock-flame interaction2001/12/01English88
Feedback processes in cellulose thermal decomposition: implications for fire-retarding strategies and treatments2004/06/01English87
Multi-fluid modelling of laminar polydisperse spray flames: origin, assumptions and comparison of sectional and sampling methods2001/12/01English87
The role of unequal diffusivities in ignition and extinction fronts in strained mixing layers1998/12/01English87