Journal of Biomolecular NMR

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Extensive de novo solid-state NMR assignments of the 33 kDa C-terminal domain of the Ure2 prion2011/07/31English52
The J-UNIO protocol for automated protein structure determination by NMR in solution2012/07/03English52
Efficient DNP NMR of membrane proteins: sample preparation protocols, sensitivity, and radical location2016/02/12English52
NMR-based metabolomics of mammalian cell and tissue cultures2011/03/04English51
relaxGUI: a new software for fast and simple NMR relaxation data analysis and calculation of ps-ns and μs motion of proteins2011/05/27English51
Structure of human insulin monomer in water/acetonitrile solution2007/11/27English50
Automated amino acid side-chain NMR assignment of proteins using 13C- and 15N-resolved 3D [1H,1H]-NOESY2008/08/16English50
Isotope labeling of mammalian GPCRs in HEK293 cells and characterization of the C-terminus of bovine rhodopsin by high resolution liquid NMR spectroscopy2007/11/13English50
Dynamic nuclear polarization of nucleic acid with endogenously bound manganese2015/07/29English49
AFNMR: automated fragmentation quantum mechanical calculation of NMR chemical shifts for biomolecules2015/08/02English49
1H NMR metabolomics identification of markers of hypoxia-induced metabolic shifts in a breast cancer model system2011/03/04English49
Motional properties of unfolded ubiquitin: a model for a random coil protein2006/07/01English49
Impact of static and dynamic A-form heterogeneity on the determination of RNA global structural dynamics using NMR residual dipolar couplings2006/11/01English49
Optimization of resolution and sensitivity of 4D NOESY using Multi-dimensional Decomposition2005/09/01English49
Efficient and generalized processing of multidimensional NUS NMR data: the NESTA algorithm and comparison of regularization terms2015/03/26English49
A suite of Mathematica notebooks for the analysis of protein main chain 15N NMR relaxation data2006/10/24English48
A new model for chemical shifts of amide hydrogens in proteins2007/04/14English48
Resolution-by-proxy: a simple measure for assessing and comparing the overall quality of NMR protein structures2012/06/08English48
A comparison of chemical shift sensitivity of trifluoromethyl tags: optimizing resolution in 19F NMR studies of proteins2015/03/27English48
Complete determination of the Pin1 catalytic domain thermodynamic cycle by NMR lineshape analysis2011/09/01English47
High-resolution NMR field-cycling device for full-range relaxation and structural studies of biopolymers on a shared commercial instrument2011/12/27English47
PDBStat: a universal restraint converter and restraint analysis software package for protein NMR2013/07/30English47
Solution structure of the two RNA recognition motifs of hnRNP A1 using segmental isotope labeling: how the relative orientation between RRMs influences the nucleic acid binding topology2012/12/18English47
15NH/D-SOLEXSY experiment for accurate measurement of amide solvent exchange rates: application to denatured drkN SH32010/02/27English47
High dimensional and high resolution pulse sequences for backbone resonance assignment of intrinsically disordered proteins2012/02/17English47
Out-and-back 13C–13C scalar transfers in protein resonance assignment by proton-detected solid-state NMR under ultra-fast MAS2013/06/29English47
Pitfalls in compressed sensing reconstruction and how to avoid them2016/11/11English46
A simple method for amino acid selective isotope labeling of recombinant proteins in E. coli2008/09/01English46
Fast Assignment of 15N-HSQC Peaks using High-Resolution 3D HNcocaNH Experiments with Non-Uniform Sampling2005/09/01English46
Database proton NMR chemical shifts for RNA signal assignment and validation2012/11/23English46