Journal of Biomolecular NMR

Title Publication Date Language Citations
NMR-based structural biology enhanced by dynamic nuclear polarization at high magnetic field2014/10/05English79
Four-dimensional heteronuclear correlation experiments for chemical shift assignment of solid proteins2007/08/09English79
Time-resolved multidimensional NMR with non-uniform sampling2014/01/17English79
NMRPipe: A multidimensional spectral processing system based on UNIX pipes1995/11/01English79
Automated sequence-specific protein NMR assignment using the memetic algorithm MATCH2008/05/30English78
Identification of Zinc-ligated Cysteine Residues Based on 13Cα and 13Cβ Chemical Shift Data2006/04/01English76
13C, 15N Resonance Assignment of Parts of the HET-s Prion Protein in its Amyloid Form2006/02/01English75
Refined solution structure of the 82-kDa enzyme malate synthase G from joint NMR and synchrotron SAXS restraints2007/11/16English74
PINT: a software for integration of peak volumes and extraction of relaxation rates2013/05/09English73
Facile measurement of 1H–15N residual dipolar couplings in larger perdeuterated proteins2010/08/07English72
Metabolic characterization of Palatinate German white wines according to sensory attributes, varieties, and vintages using NMR spectroscopy and multivariate data analyses2011/02/26English71
Measurement of 15N relaxation in the detergent-solubilized tetrameric KcsA potassium channel2006/09/20English71
High resolution 4-D spectroscopy with sparse concentric shell sampling and FFT-CLEAN2008/10/14English71
Iterative algorithm of discrete Fourier transform for processing randomly sampled NMR data sets2010/04/07English70
Strategy for complete NMR assignment of disordered proteins with highly repetitive sequences based on resolution-enhanced 5D experiments2010/10/02English70
5D 13C-detected experiments for backbone assignment of unstructured proteins with a very low signal dispersion2011/03/20English70
Detection of dynamic water molecules in a microcrystalline sample of the SH3 domain of α-spectrin by MAS solid-state NMR2005/04/01English69
Conformational entropy changes upon lactose binding to the carbohydrate recognition domain of galectin-32009/07/30English69
NMR-based stable isotope resolved metabolomics in systems biochemistry2011/02/26English69
A Thorough Dynamic Interpretation of Residual Dipolar Couplings in Ubiquitin2006/02/01English69
Identification of helix capping and β-turn motifs from NMR chemical shifts2012/02/08English67
Fast and accurate fitting of relaxation dispersion data using the flexible software package GLOVE2013/06/11English65
Internal pH indicators for biomolecular NMR2008/04/09English64
Improved accuracy of 15N–1H scalar and residual dipolar couplings from gradient-enhanced IPAP-HSQC experiments on protonated proteins2009/02/10English63
PCS-based structure determination of protein–protein complexes2010/03/19English63
Efficient segmental isotope labeling of multi-domain proteins using Sortase A2015/08/30English63
Two-point anchoring of a lanthanide-binding peptide to a target protein enhances the paramagnetic anisotropic effect2009/05/26English63
Overcoming the solubility limit with solubility-enhancement tags: successful applications in biomolecular NMR studies2009/09/03English62
Speeding up sequence specific assignment of IDPs2012/06/10English62
A 2D 13C-CEST experiment for studying slowly exchanging protein systems using methyl probes: an application to protein folding2012/06/12English62