
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Extracellular chitinase production by some members of the saprophytic Entomophthorales group2011/01/01English
Genetic variability among <i>Pholiota aurivella</i> isolates from a small natural population2007/01/01English
DNA-mediated transformation system in a bipolar basidiomycete, <i>Pholiota microspora</i> (<i>P. nameko</i>)2009/01/01English
An ustilaginomycetous yeast, <i>Pseudozyma graminicola</i> sp. nov., isolated from the leaves of pasture plants2007/01/01English
A new acidophilic fungus <i>Teratosphaeria acidotherma</i> (Capnodiales, Ascomycota) from a hot spring2010/01/01English
Floristic study of <i>Geastrum</i> in Japan: three new records for Japanese mycobiota and reexamination of the authentic specimen of <i>Geastrum minus</i> reported by Sanshi Imai2009/01/01English
cAMP promotes hyphal branching in <i>Mucor globosus</i>2007/01/01English
Heterogeneous expression and emulsifying activity of class I hydrophobin from <i>Pholiota nameko</i>2011/01/01English
<i>Botrytis sinoallii</i>: a new species of the grey mould pathogen on <i>Allium crops</i> in China2010/01/01English
<i>Cystotheca tjibodensis</i> (Erysiphaceae, Ascomycota): rediscovery in Java after 90 years and first finding of anamorph2012/01/01English
Population structure of <i>Magnaporthe oryzae</i> isolates from green foxtail in Japan examined by DNA fingerprint analysis2008/01/01English
<i>Erysiphe fimbriata</i> sp. nov.: a powdery mildew fungus found on <i>Carpinus laxiflora</i>2008/01/01English
<i>Wrightoporia</i> (Basidiomycota, Hericiales) species and their allies collected in Japan2008/01/01English
Effects of carbohydrate substrate on the vegetative mycelial growth of an ectomycorrhizal mushroom, <i>Tricholoma matsutake</i>, isolated from <i>Quercus</i>2007/01/01English
Taxonomic studies of nectrioid fungi in Japan. III. The genus <i>Cosmospora</i>2008/01/01English
Comparison of conditions for mycelial growth of <i>Lepista sordida</i> causing fairy rings on <i>Zoysia matrella</i> turf to those on <i>Agrostis palustris</i> turf2007/01/01English
Mycoparasitism between <i>Squamanita paradoxa</i> and <i>Cystoderma amianthinum</i> (Cystodermateae, Agaricales)2010/01/01English
<i>Heteroconium chaetospira</i>, a dark septate root endophyte allied to the Herpotrichiellaceae (Chaetothyriales) obtained from some forest soil samples in Canada using bait plants2007/01/01English
<i>Pluteus magnus</i> and <i>Pluteus podospileus</i> f. <i>podospileus</i>, two agaric species new to Japan2009/01/01English
Isolation, characterization, and expression analysis of a class IV chitin synthase gene from the edible basidiomycetous mushroom <i>Pleurotus ostreatus</i>2007/01/01English
<i>Strobilomyces verruculosus</i> sp. nov. from Japan2009/01/01English
Effect of nutrient availability on hyphal maturation and topographical sensing in <i>Aspergillus niger</i>2007/01/01English
<i>Typhula maritima</i>, a new species of <i>Typhula</i> collected from coastal dunes in Hokkaido, northern Japan2009/01/01English
<i>Macrolepiota subcitrophylla</i> sp. nov., a new species with yellowish lamellae from southwest China2012/01/01English
Taxonomic characterization of <i>Shiraia</i>-like fungi isolated from bamboos in Japan2008/01/01English
Relationships among three Japanese <i>Laetiporus</i> taxa based on phylogenetic analysis and incompatibility tests2008/01/01English
Eight new species of the genus <i>Mycena</i> from central Honshu, Japan2007/01/01English
The current systematics and taxonomy of the powdery mildews (Erysiphales): an overview2011/01/01English
Phylogenetic analysis of ascomycete yeasts that form coenzyme Q-9 and the proposal of the new genera <i>Babjeviella</i>, <i>Meyerozyma</i>, <i>Millerozyma</i>, <i>Priceomyces</i>, and <i>Scheffersomyces</i>2010/01/01English
A new species of <i>Neofavolus </i>(<i>Polyporales, Basidiomycota</i>) from Brazil2023/02/17English