Hungarian Geographical Bulletin

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Local Climate Zone mapping using GIS methods in Szeged2014/04/0348
Sustainability using cover crops in Mediterranean tree crops, olives and vines – Challenges and current knowledge2017/03/3147
Socio-economic and political responses to regional polarisation and socio-spatial peripheralisation in Central and Eastern Europe: a research agenda2015/10/0742
Outdoor human thermal comfort in local climate zones of Novi Sad (Serbia) during heat wave period2016/06/3028
The effects of COVID-19 on Airbnb2020/12/2226
Drought monitoring of forest vegetation using MODIS-based normalized difference drought index in Hungary2018/03/3119
Urban heat island patterns and their dynamics based on an urban climate measurement network2016/06/3019
Modelled spatio-temporal variability of air temperature in an urban climate and its validation: a case study of Brno, Czech Republic2016/06/3018
How the climate will change in this century?2014/04/0317
Studentification, diversity and social cohesion in post-socialist Budapest2017/07/0417
Compilation of novel and renewed, goal oriented digital soil maps using geostatistical and data mining tools2015/04/2017
Effects of renewable energy on landscape in Europe: Comparison of hydro, wind, solar, bio-, geothermal and infrastructure energy landscapes2019/12/2817
Landscape degradation in the world and in Hungary2019/10/0317
Suburbs around the Czech provincial city of České Budějovice – territorial arrangement and problems2019/04/0416
Access to urban green spaces and environmental inequality in post-socialist cities2020/06/3016
Identification of roofing materials with Discriminant Function Analysis and Random Forest classifiers on pan-sharpened WorldView-2 imagery – a comparison2018/12/2015
Evaluation of debris flow susceptibility in El Salvador (CA): a comparison between Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Binary Logistic Regression (BLR)2018/12/2015
Urban diversity and the production of public space in Budapest2016/10/1014
Soil erodibility calculations based on different particle size distribution measurements2015/04/2013
Upgrading and the geography of the Hungarian automotive industry in the context of the fourth industrial revolution2020/06/3013
The challenge of diversity in rural regions: refugee reception in the German federal state of Saxony2017/07/0413
Projection of intra-urban modification of night-time climate indices during the 21st century2016/06/3013
Citizen observatory based soil moisture monitoring – the GROW example2019/07/0112
Time-space differences of population ageing in Europe2014/07/0312
Identification of Saharan dust particles in Pleistocene dune sand- paleosol sequences of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands)2018/06/3012
"In memory of victims": Monument and counter-monument in Liberty Square, Budapest2016/10/1012
Mapping soil organic carbon under erosion processes using remote sensing2021/04/0611
Urban restructuring in post-war contexts: the case of Sarajevo2014/10/1311
Detection of atmospheric urban heat island through direct measurements in Cluj-Napoca city, Romania2016/06/3011
The The impact of territorial policies on the distribution of the creative economy: tracking spatial patterns of innovation in Slovenia2018/10/0511