
Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Comparison of Two Herbaceous Cover Sampling Methods to Assess Ecosystem Services in High-Shrub Rangelands: Photography-Based Grid Point Intercept (GPI) Versus Quadrat Sampling2018/10/01English10
Assessing Browse Trend At The Landscape Level: Part 1: Preliminary Steps and Field Survey2002/01/01English10
Cows, Condos, or Neither: What's Best for Rangeland Ecosystems?2002/01/01English10
Paying for the Presence of Predators: An Evolving Approach to Compensating Ranchers2020/04/01English10
Big landscapes meet big data: Informing grazing management in a variable and changing world2021/02/01English10
Four paths toward realizing the full potential of using native plants during ecosystem restoration in the Intermountain West2022/06/01English10
Collaborative Approaches to Strengthen the Role of Science in Rangeland Conservation2019/10/01English10
Cattle and Carnivore Coexistence in Alberta: The Role of Compensation Programs2017/02/01English10
Embracing complexity and humility in rangeland science2021/08/01English10
The Condition and Trend of Aspen, Willows, and Associated Species on the Northern Yellowstone Range2018/12/01English9
Coping Strategies During Drought: The Case of Rangeland Users in Southwest Iran2017/10/01English9
Nutritional Quality and Quantity of Available Forages Relative to Demand: A Case Study of the Goitered Gazelles of the Golestan National Park, Iran2015/04/01English9
Measuring the social and ecological performance of agricultural innovations on rangelands: Progress and plans for an indicator framework in the LTAR network2022/10/01English9
Cattle Distribution Under Intensive Herded Management2000/01/01English9
Landscape Attributes Of Subdivided Ranches2002/01/01English9
A Tool for Projecting Rangeland Vegetation Response to Management and Climate2019/02/01English9
Ten practical questions to improve data quality2022/02/01English8
Forbs and Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Restoration Efforts: Suggestions for Improving Commercial Seed Availability and Restoration Practices2015/12/01English8
Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation, and US Rangelands2015/12/01English8
Managing invasive annual grasses, annually: A case for more case studies2022/06/01English8
Ecological Sites: Can they be Managed to Promote Livestock Production?2019/12/01English8
An Ecological Assessment of the Northern Yellowstone Range: Introduction to the Special Issue2018/12/01English8
Drought Consequences for Cow-Calf Production in Wyoming: 2011—20142015/10/01English8
Application of Ecological Site Information to Transformative Changes on Great Basin Sagebrush Rangelands2016/12/01English8
Completing the Land Resource Hierarchy2016/12/01English8
Shinnery Oak Poisoning Of Rangeland Cattle: Causes, Effects & Solutions2001/01/01English8
Cheatgrass Control and Seeding2000/01/01English8
A Close Look at Locoweed Poisoning On Shortgrass Prairies: Management recommendations to help reduce the risk of locoweed poisoning to livestock2002/01/01English8
Grazing Intensity Guidelines2000/01/01English8
The History and Current Direction of Rangeland Management in Turkey2015/02/01English7