
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Seventy-Five Years of Vegetation Treatments on Public Rangelands in the Great Basin of North America2017/02/01English86
Tapping Soil Survey Information for Rapid Assessment of Sagebrush Ecosystem Resilience and Resistance2016/06/01English59
Adaptive Management for Drought on Rangelands2016/08/01English51
Criollo cattle: Heritage Genetics for Arid Landscapes2015/04/01English46
Evaluating New SMAP Soil Moisture for Drought Monitoring in the Rangelands of the US High Plains2016/08/01English38
Prescription Grazing for Rangeland Weed Management2003/01/01English38
Short-Duration Grazing: The Facts in 19992000/01/01English36
Enhancing Wind Erosion Monitoring and Assessment for U.S. Rangelands2017/06/01English31
Improving the Effectiveness of Ecological Site Descriptions: General State-and-Transition Models and the Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool (EDIT)2016/12/01English31
Re-Establishing Perennial Vegetation in Cheatgrass Monocultures2003/01/01English28
Rangeland Responses to Predicted Increases in Drought Extremity2016/08/01English27
Grazing Capacity and Stocking Rate2000/01/01English27
Droughts and Wildfires in Western U.S. Rangelands2016/08/01English25
Assessing Drought Vulnerability Using a Socioecological Framework2016/08/01English25
From Grassroots to National Alliance: The Emerging Trajectory for Landowner Prescribed Burn Associations2016/06/01English24
Generalizing Ecological Site Concepts of the Colorado Plateau for Landscape-Level Applications2016/12/01English23
Near-Real-Time Cheatgrass Percent Cover in the Northern Great Basin, USA, 20152016/10/01English22
Coping With Drought on California Rangelands2016/08/01English22
Plant Phenology: Taking the Pulse of Rangelands2019/06/01French22
A geographic strategy for cross-jurisdictional, proactive management of invasive annual grasses in Oregon2022/06/01English21
Two New Mobile Apps for Rangeland Inventory and Monitoring by Landowners and Land Managers2017/04/01English21
Rangelands of Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Conservation Park, Mongolia2000/01/01English21
Defend the core: Maintaining intact rangelands by reducing vulnerability to invasive annual grasses2022/06/01English20
Impacts of Kentucky bluegrass Invasion (Poa pratensis L.) on Ecological Processes in the Northern Great Plains2015/12/01English20
Grazing management to reduce wildfire risk in invasive annual grass prone sagebrush communities2022/06/01English20
Drought Mitigation for Grazing Operations: Matching the Animal to the Environment2016/08/01English20
Twenty-Five Years of Paradox in Plant-Herbivore Interactions and "Sustainable" Grazing Management2003/01/01English19
Improving Seeding Success on Cheatgrass-Infested Rangelands in Northern Nevada2017/12/01English18
Low Altitude/Large Scale Aerial Photographs: A Tool For Range And Resource Managers2000/01/01English18
A GPS-based Evaluation of Factors Commonly Used to Adjust Cattle Stocking Rates on Both Extensive and Mountainous Rangelands2020/06/01English18