Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Medium effects in high energy heavy-ion collisions1996/12/01142
The nucleon-nucleon interaction in terms of quark degrees of freedom1993/12/01140
Binary and ternary fission of hot and rotating nuclei1992/11/01140
Low-scale B–L extension of the standard model2008/03/19137
Initial state fluctuations and final state correlations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions2014/05/12137
The thermal model on the verge of the ultimate test: particle production in Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC2011/11/10137
Faddeev study of heavy-baryon spectroscopy2007/04/11136
The ISOLDE facility2017/08/01136
Review of lepton universality tests in B decays2018/12/27131
The pion: an enigma within the Standard Model2016/05/27131
Scaling behaviour in cluster decay2004/05/19129
Open heavy flavor in QCD matter and in nuclear collisions2016/08/04129
Progress in laser spectroscopy at radioactive ion beam facilities2010/09/28129
Determination of the QCD coupling αs2000/06/02128
A single source of cosmic rays in the range - eV1997/08/01128
Searching for long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider2020/09/01127
Neutrino-driven wind simulations and nucleosynthesis of heavy elements2012/11/29127
Energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays above 1017.0eV determined from extensive air shower experiments at Akeno1992/02/01127
Open heavy flavour production: conceptual framework and implementation issues2002/04/18127
Characterization of the β vibration and 0+2states in deformed nuclei2000/12/14125
Mean field and beyond description of nuclear structure with the Gogny force: a review2018/12/13124
Three-body forces and shell structure in calcium isotopes2012/07/04123
Technical Design Report for the Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System2014/07/02122
Precision measurements of Higgs couplings: implications for new physics scales2014/09/08121
Competition of heavy quark radiative and collisional energy loss in deconfined matter2010/08/02121
Lattice QCD at non-zero temperature2012/08/16121
Models of neutrino mass, mixing and CP violation2015/11/09119
Light sterile neutrinos2015/03/01119
Photon-photon physics in very peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions1998/09/01118
Proton–nucleus collisions at the LHC: scientific opportunities and requirements2011/12/08117