Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The ODD Protocol for Describing Agent-Based and Other Simulation Models: A Second Update to Improve Clarity, Replication, and Structural Realism2020/01/01English308
Models of Social Influence: Towards the Next Frontiers2017/01/01English196
Facilitating Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models: A Cookbook Using NetLogo and 'R'2014/01/01English156
The Complexities of Agent-Based Modeling Output Analysis2015/01/01English150
Macroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models Redux: New Developments and Challenges Ahead2017/01/01English132
Agent-Based Modelling of Social-Ecological Systems: Achievements, Challenges, and a Way Forward2017/01/01English115
Which Sensitivity Analysis Method Should I Use for My Agent-Based Model?2016/01/01English110
A Survey of Agent Platforms2015/01/01English102
Computational Modelling of Public Policy: Reflections on Practice2018/01/01English77
Different Modelling Purposes2019/01/01English72
A Taxonomy for Agent-Based Models in Human Infectious Disease Epidemiology2017/01/01English66
How Do Agents Make Decisions? A Survey2014/01/01English65
Computational Models That Matter During a Global Pandemic Outbreak: A Call to Action2020/01/01English63
Modelling Sustainability Transitions: An Assessment of Approaches and Challenges2018/01/01English61
Creating Realistic Synthetic Populations at Varying Spatial Scales: A Comparative Critique of Population Synthesis Techniques2012/01/01English57
Opinion Formation by Informed Agents2010/01/01English46
A Psychologically-Motivated Model of Opinion Change with Applications to American Politics2017/01/01English41
Agent-Based Social Simulation of the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review2021/01/01English39
The Schelling Model of Ethnic Residential Dynamics: Beyond the Integrated - Segregated Dichotomy of Patterns2012/01/01English38
Robust Clustering in Generalized Bounded Confidence Models2016/01/01English38
Thomas C. Schelling and James M. Sakoda: The Intellectual, Technical, and Social History of a Model2017/01/01English37
Analysis of the Emergent Properties: Stationarity and Ergodicity2012/01/01English37
Generating a Synthetic Population of Individuals in Households: Sample-Free Vs Sample-Based Methods2013/01/01English36
The Current State of Normative Agent-Based Systems2011/01/01English34
MAIA: a Framework for Developing Agent-Based Social Simulations2013/01/01English33
An Agent-Based Model of Flood Risk and Insurance2017/01/01English33
Optimal Opinion Control: The Campaign Problem2015/01/01English31
Catching the PHEVer: Simulating Electric Vehicle Diffusion with an Agent-Based Mixed Logit Model of Vehicle Choice2013/01/01English30
The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation2013/01/01English30
One Theory - Many Formalizations: Testing Different Code Implementations of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Energy Agent-Based Models2018/01/01English29