Current Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Strategic Helper: Narcissism and Prosocial Motives and Behaviors2016/02/05English76
The interpretation of statistical power after the data have been gathered2018/10/02English76
Students’ Wellbeing, Fear of Missing out, and Social Media Engagement for Leisure in Higher Education Learning Environments2016/08/17English75
Quality of social support in mental and physical health1999/06/01English75
Optimism, pessimism, and false failure feedback: Effects on vigilance performance1999/12/01English74
Linking positive emotions and academic performance: The mediated role of academic psychological capital and academic engagement2019/03/22English73
Procrastination in Different Life-Domains: Is Procrastination Domain Specific?2013/04/25English73
A Pragmatic, Step-by-Step Guide for Qualitative Methods: Capturing the Disaster and Long-Term Recovery Stories of Katrina and Rita2015/06/10English73
Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee–Company Identification, and Organizational Commitment: Mediation by Employee Engagement2015/10/21English72
Workplace happiness, well-being and their relationship with psychological capital: A study of Hungarian Teachers2019/12/05English70
Systematic review of the differences between mothers and fathers in parenting styles and practices2020/08/23English69
Proactive Personality and Innovative Work Behavior: the Mediating Effects of Affective States and Creative Self-Efficacy in Teachers2016/06/01English68
Climate change anxiety and mental health: Environmental activism as buffer2022/02/28English66
The Job Demands-Resources Model and Job Burnout: The Mediating Role of Personal Resources2015/03/29English65
COVID-19 anxiety scale (CAS): Development and psychometric properties2020/11/13English65
Antecedent-Focused Emotion Regulation, Response Modulation and Well-Being2009/02/04English64
Computer graphic studies of the role of facial similarity in judgements of attractiveness1999/03/01English63
Do we experience pandemic fatigue? current state, predictors, and prevention2021/10/20English62
Anxiety, depression and PTSD among children and their parent during 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in China2020/11/14English62
Testing the investment model of relationship commitment and stability in a longitudinal study of married couples2001/12/01English61
Why and when paradoxical leader behavior impact employee creativity: Thriving at work and psychological safety2019/01/10English61
Sex Differences and Similarities in Video Game Experience, Preferences, and Self-Efficacy: Implications for the Gaming Industry2010/12/01English61
The mediating role of health literacy on the relationship between health care system distrust and vaccine hesitancy during COVID-19 pandemic2021/07/22English60
Grit, Self-Esteem, Learning Strategies and Attitudes and Estimated and Achieved Course Grades among College Students2016/07/27English59
Coping strategies of individuals in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic2021/01/03English58
Biased Evaluation of Abstracts Depending on Topic and Conclusion: Further Evidence of a Confirmation Bias Within Scientific Psychology2010/08/29English58
Time Perspectives Predict Mood States and Satisfaction with Life over and above Personality2016/10/19English57
Counting your blessings: Positive memories among grateful persons2004/03/01English57
Memory illusions and consciousness: Examining the phenomenology of true and false memories1997/09/01English57
Perceived Social Support and Mental Health Among Single vs. Partnered Polish Young Adults2014/06/29English56