Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Roles, Risks, and Benefits of Peer Mentoring Relationships in Higher Education2010/05/01English161
Mentoring Revisited: A phenomenological reading of the literature2000/08/01English125
A taxonomy of the characteristics of student peer mentors in higher education: findings from a literature review2007/05/01English94
More than a place to teach: exploring the perceptions of the roles and responsibilities of mentor teachers2008/08/01English82
Ten Salient Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentors: A Review of the Literature2015/10/20English80
Peer-to-peer Teaching in Higher Education: A Critical Literature Review2016/03/14English79
Mentoring in black and white: the intricacies of cross‐cultural mentoring2004/04/01English79
Mentoring Together: A Literature Review of Group Mentoring2012/02/01English78
Navigating the lonely sea: peer mentoring and collaboration among aspiring women scholars2009/02/01English77
E‐mentoring for social equity: review of research to inform program development2005/08/01English69
Outcomes of mentoring at‐risk college students: gender and ethnic matching effects2007/05/01English69
Student Teachers' Perceptions of School-based Mentoring in Initial Teacher Training (ITT)2002/01/01English67
Peer mentoring: engaging pre‐service teachers in mentoring one another2005/12/01English67
Teachers’ perceptions of what was most (and least) supportive during their first year of teaching2007/02/01English65
Learning to Teach or Learning to Manage Mentors? Experiences of school-based teacher training2000/04/01English64
The role of the cooperating teacher: bridging the gap between the expectations of cooperating teachers and student teachers2007/08/01English64
Literature Review on Induction and Mentoring Related to Early Career Teacher Attrition and Retention2012/02/01English64
Peer mentoring for first‐year teacher education students: the mentors’ experience2008/05/01English60
Forming the Mentor-Mentee Relationship2016/01/01English58
A systematic review of graduate student peer mentorship in academia2019/10/20English55
Mentoring women faculty: an instrumental case study of strategic collaboration2007/02/01English55
Peer tutoring and social dynamics in higher education2007/05/01English52
Mentoring and New Teacher Induction in the United States: A Review and Analysis of Current Practices2012/02/01English51
‘It’s only a phase’: examining trust, identification and mentoring functions received across the mentoring phases2005/08/01English49
Novice teacher growth and personal models of mentoring: choosing compassion over inquiry2005/08/01English48
Maximizing the Potential of Mentoring: A Framework for Pre-service Teacher Education2014/05/27English46
Doctoral Advising or Mentoring? Effects on Student Outcomes2012/05/01English46
Emotional intelligence and mentoring in pre‐service teacher education: a literature review2006/05/01English45
Untenured Faculty: Issues of transition, adjustment and mentorship2000/04/01English45
Building a Better Bridge: Testing e-training to improve e-mentoring programmes in higher education2003/04/01English43