Journal of Vocational Education & Training

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Learning as becoming in vocational education and training: class, gender and the role of vocational habitus2003/12/01English250
Competence-based VET in the Netherlands: background and pitfalls2004/12/01English122
Managerialism and professionalism in the ‘cinderella service’1997/03/01English121
Employers' Demands for Personal Transferable Skills in Graduates: a content analysis of 1000 job advertisements and an associated empirical study2002/12/01English111
Skills and training for the hospitality sector: a review of issues2002/09/01English109
The concept of competence in the development of vocational education and training in selected EU member states: a critical analysis2007/02/15English109
Apprenticeship as an evolving model of learning2011/09/01English86
The challenge of self‐directed and self‐regulated learning in vocational education: a theoretical analysis and synthesis of requirements2010/12/01English82
State control of the English education and training system—playing with the biggest train set in the world2006/03/01English76
Employability: a contemporary review for higher education stakeholders2017/10/31English72
Towards competence‐based VET: dealing with the pitfalls2009/09/01English64
The standing of vocational education: sources of its societal esteem and implications for its enactment2013/12/16English59
Apprenticeship as a conceptual basis for a social theory of learning1998/06/01English59
Tourism degree internships: a longitudinal study2003/09/01English59
Reconceptualising apprenticeship: exploring the relationship between work and learning1998/06/01English51
How vocational teachers describe their vocational teacher identity2014/03/10English50
Work placements enhance the academic performance of bioscience undergraduates2004/09/01English47
A profession in crisis: status, culture and identity in the further education college1998/12/0146
Authentic assessment, student and teacher perceptions: the practical value of the five‐dimensional framework2006/09/01English45
Reflective teaching: empirical research findings and some implications for teacher education2002/06/01English44
Authenticity is in the eye of the beholder: student and teacher perceptions of assessment authenticity2008/12/01English43
Educational Management and the Crisis of Reform in Further Education1996/01/01English43
Vocational education and training in India: challenges, status and labour market outcomes2012/12/01English42
Is apprenticeship better? a review of the economic evidence1998/06/01English42
Training design factors influencing transfer of training to the workplace within an international context2000/06/01English42
Defining ‘knowledge’ in vocational education qualifications in England: an analysis of key stakeholders and their constructions of knowledge, purposes and content2013/03/01English41
Shifting identity: new conditions and the transformation of practice – teaching within post-compulsory education1999/06/01English40
‘Modernisation’ and the role of policy levers in the learning and skills sector2007/06/01English40
Dual identities: the in‐service teacher trainee experience in the English further education sector2010/03/01English39
Vocational education and training in India: a labour market perspective2017/03/14English39