Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Geography of Education in Syria in 1882. With a Translation of “Education in Syria” by Shahin Makarius, 1883.1983/10/01English
Trading Areas of the United Kingdom Ports1973/04/01English
Occurrence of Mushacin Transjordan1988/10/01English
Signs and Symbols in Hamilton: An Iconology of Steeltown1990/08/01English
Towards an Analytical Study of the Townscape: The Residential Building Fabric1969/04/01English
The Impact of Industrialization on the Development of the Rural Environment of the Poitou-Charentes District in the 19th and 20th Centuries1988/04/01English
Guest Editorial1988/04/01English
Book Reviews1995/10/01English
Early Forms of Open-Field Agriculture in England1988/04/01English
Entwicklung und Räumliche Differenzierung der Bevölkerung Islands1976/10/01English
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Metropolitan Economic Structure1969/10/01English
Migration and Welfare—A Study in Northern Sweden1982/10/01English
Tall Office Buildings in Small American Cities 1923–19311993/04/01English
Transferred Skills and University Excellence?: An Exploratory Analysis of the Geography of Mobility of UK Academic Staff1994/10/01English
Klara Kloster I Stockholm—Ett Exempel På Agrar Stordrift Under Medeltiden1968/04/01English
Analyse Non-Spatiale Et Dynamique Geographique1967/10/01English
Revolutionary times and spaces2018/01/02English
A non-rejoinder2018/01/02English
Weaving transnational spaces: Peruvian and Colombian suitcase traders moving across South American borders2024/02/29English
Gentrification-induced displacement made visible: shop displacement and tourism gentrification in Reykjavík2024/04/01English
Austerity through rescaling and layering in the Swedish welfare state2024/04/02English
Conflicting landscapes – integrating sustainable tourism in nature park developments2023/11/20English
Geographical immobility and local ancestral ties: a study of three generations of natives in Finland2023/11/19English
The impact of rebordering on cross-border cooperation actors’ discourses in the Öresund region. A semantic network approach2023/10/11English
Towards a cordial dialogue between lifestyle migration/mobilities and rural tourism geographies2023/10/02English
Travelling in time, between places, and jobs: exploring temporal dimensions of academics’ international trajectories2024/03/16English
Commentary by Michele Pred for brute facts: special issue in honor of Allan Pred2023/04/03English