Organon F

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Conclusions of Practical Argument: A Speech Act Analysis2021/05/246
C.I. Lewis, E.J. Nelson, and the Modern Origins of Connexive Logic2019/08/245
Self-Expression in Speech Acts2021/05/244
The Many Inadequate Justifications of Methodological Naturalism2019/01/223
Unification and the Myth of Purely Reductive Understanding2020/05/023
Revisiting the ‘Wrong Kind of Object’ Problem2021/01/282
Anti-Realism about Fictional Names at Work: A New Theory for Metafictional Sentences2021/01/282
Slur Reclamation – Polysemy, Echo, or Both?2021/08/302
Modal Logic before Kripke2019/08/242
Does the Conceivability of Zombies Entail Their Possibility?2020/08/062
The Implausibility of the Causal Closure of the Physical2019/01/221
Freedom, Power and Causation2019/01/221
The Principle of the Causal Openness of the Physical2019/01/221
Humberstone on Ayer’s Emotivism2022/11/301
Neil Roughley and Kurt Bayerts (eds.): The Normative Animal? New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, x+380 page2020/08/061
Illocutionary Disagreement in Faultless Disagreement2021/08/301
Normative Naturalism on Its Own Terms2021/08/301
Introduction: “Value in Language”2021/08/301
The Moral Status of the Reclamation of Slurs2021/08/301
Boulesic Logic, Deontic Logic and the Structure of a Perfectly Rational Will2020/05/021
An Inferentialist Account of Fictional Names2022/09/241
Real Authors and Fictional Agents2021/01/281
The Meanings of Fictional Names2021/01/281
Fictional Names: Reference, Definiteness and Ontology2021/01/281
On Anaphors Linked to Names Used Metaphorically2021/01/281
Fictional Names and Fictional Concepts: A Moderate Fictionalist Account2021/01/281
Fictional Tellers2021/01/281
The Judge-Dependence of Aesthetic and Moral Judgement2020/11/011
Prospects for Experimental Philosophical Logic2019/05/081
Lee McIntyre: Post-Truth2019/05/081