The Journal of Legislative Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The European parliament and the co‐decision procedure: A reassessment1997/09/01English42
Parliamentary Opposition in Westminster Democracies: Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand2008/06/01English41
Analysing Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament2010/09/01English40
Studying Parliamentary Opposition in Old and New Democracies: Issues and Perspectives2008/06/01English40
Conditional agenda‐setting and decision‐makinginsidethe European parliament1995/03/01English40
Frogs, mice and mixed electoral institutions: party discipline in Italy's XIV Chamber of Deputies12004/12/21English40
Party Control in a Committee-Based Legislature? The Case of the European Parliament2001/12/01English37
Part 2: Discipline2003/12/21English34
Institutions and the Legislative Success of ‘Strong’ Presidents: An Analysis of Government Bills in Chile2009/12/01English33
Electoral balancing, divided government and ‘midterm’ loss in German elections2006/06/01English32
Four Models of Political Representation: British MPs and the Use of ICT2007/09/01English32
Beyond collective representation: individual members of parliament and interest representation in the Netherlands2004/12/21English32
Assessing the Influence of Select Committees in the UK: The Education and Skills Committee, 1997–20052009/03/01English31
Party Cohesion in the Danish Parliament2001/06/01English31
Introduction: Comparing the legislative performance of legislatures2006/09/01English31
Party Unity in the Swiss Parliament: The Electoral Connection2013/11/20English31
Party Size and Portfolio Payoffs: The Proportional Allocation of Ministerial Posts in Coalition Governments2009/03/01English31
Parliamentary questions in the European parliament: Representation, information and control1996/12/01English30
High discipline, low cohesion? the uncertain patterns of canadian parliamentary party groups2003/12/21English30
Do Legislative Petitions Systems Enhance the Relationship between Parliament and Citizen?2012/12/01English29
Behavioural Consequences of Restrictions on Plenary Access: Parliamentary Questions in the NorwegianStorting2011/09/01English29
‘From weird to wired’: MPs, the internet and representative politics in the UK2005/03/01English29
Political Representation in Spain: An Empirical Analysis of the Perception of Citizens and MPs2002/03/01English29
Institutions and Vote Unity in Parliaments: Evidence from 33 National Chambers2015/06/15English28
Studying the Relationship between Parliament and Citizens2012/12/01English28
Parliamentary Opposition in Post-Consociational Democracies: Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands2008/06/01English28
Mixed Rules, Different Roles? An Analysis of the Typical Pathways into theBundestagand of MPs' Parliamentary Behaviour2013/04/27English28
Political representation in the networked society: the Americanisation of European systems of responsible party government?2003/10/01English27
Bicameralism in the Americas: around the extremes of symmetry and incongruence2003/10/01English27
Technical or Political? An Exploration of the Work of Officials in the Committees of the European Parliament2011/03/01English27