Real estate: economics, management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Risk modeling at the pre-investment phase of nuclear powerplant construction on the international market2021/05/172
Digital and online technology changing the real estate market in Russia2021/06/242
Intelligent real estate management2023/03/302
Integrated development of territories and its bottlenecks2023/03/302
Predicting real estate market trends and value using pre-processing and sentiment text mining analysis2021/05/171
Innovative approaches in the field of low–rise housing construction and digital transformation of investment and construction activities as the main focus of the All-Russian Housing Congress2021/09/301
The case of Thermodom: features of operation and development of construction holding companies in the residential real estate market of Penza2021/07/301
A development strategy for the construction industry in Uzbekistan: organizational aspects of implementation2021/12/301
Оптимизация экономических результатов внедрения энергосберегающих мероприятий в течение полного жизненного цикла объекта капитального строительства2023/01/101
Reducing the carbon footprint of buildings to improve sustainable development mechanisms of the construction complex2021/09/301
The cost modeling of urbanized areas2021/12/301
Scientific and theoretical approaches to complex assessment of building life cycle from a low-carbon development perspective2023/03/301
The economics of innovative startups in construction: a methodology for selecting startups to be financed by a corporate venture fund2021/12/301
Тенденции рынка жилья в 2022 году в России2022/10/071
Стоимостное моделирование комплексного развития городских территорий2023/01/101
Производительность предприятия индустриального домостроения как главный индикатор роста потенциалоемкости производственно-строительной системы2022/06/251
Основные особенности развития инвестиционно-строительного комплекса Российской Федерации2022/06/251
Development of a digital service for real estate transactions2021/05/171
Problems of sustainable development. Real estate development after the pandemic (based on the materials of the Gaidar Forum - 2021)2021/07/241
Formation of sustainable competitive advantages in the development of a construction company strategy based on value innovation2023/09/181
Контрактные конструкции экологически устойчивого развития предприятий инвестиционно-строительной сферы2023/06/301
Spatial and resource development in creating a quality framework for the urban environment of the Donetsk People's Republic2023/12/301
Improvement of methods for determining the cost of design solutions at early stages of investment and construction projects realization2023/12/30
Implementation of a time series forecasting model to estimate excess deaths in Brazil in 20202023/12/30
Infiltration and recharge dynamics in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System of northern Chad2023/12/30
Efficiency of construction and modernization of hotel and accommodation facilities in tourist clusters2023/09/18
Методологические особенности планирования себестоимости услуг предприятий жилищно-коммунального хозяйства2023/06/30
Теоретические и практические особенности оценки центров обработки данных (ЦОД)2023/06/30
Development stages of ecological architectural and construction design in Russia2021/05/17
Features of determining the market value of retail real estate and individual trade related properties during pre-trial evaluation and forensic examination2021/05/17