International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Exploring participation in a sustainable farming initiative with self-determination theory2018/01/02English28
Improving China’s food and environmental security with conservation agriculture2016/04/14English28
Urban agriculture and sanitation services in Accra, Ghana: the overlooked contribution2010/02/01English28
Adoption by adaptation: moving from Conservation Agriculture to conservation practices2020/07/01English27
Does indigenous andcampesinotraditional agriculture have anything to contribute to food sovereignty in Latin America? Evidence from Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico2018/06/27English27
Orange-fleshed sweetpotatoes for food, health and wealth in Uganda2011/02/01English27
Smallholders download and share videos from the Internet to learn about sustainable agriculture2019/01/02English27
Crop management, labour organization, and marketing: three key issues for improving sustainability in organic vegetable farming2014/09/19English27
Do farmers care about pollinators? A cross-site comparison of farmers’ perceptions, knowledge, and management practices for pollinator-dependent crops2020/08/18English26
Conservation Agriculture: factors and drivers of adoption and scalable innovative practices in Indo-Gangetic plains of India– a review2020/09/15English26
Embedding digital agriculture into sustainable Australian food systems: pathways and pitfalls to value creation2021/07/03English26
Institutional change towards sustainable agriculture in West Africa2014/04/24English26
The scientific case for system of rice intensification and its relevance for sustainable crop intensification2011/08/01English26
The challenges to urban agriculture in the Sydney basin and lower Blue Mountains region of Australia2010/02/01English26
Perceptions and outlook on intercropping coffee with banana as an opportunity for smallholder coffee farmers in Uganda2012/08/28English26
Empowering change for sustainable agriculture: the need for participation2019/06/27English26
Gender and inorganic nitrogen: what are the implications of moving towards a more balanced use of nitrogen fertilizer in the tropics?2017/03/02English26
Using co-constructed mental models to understand stakeholder perspectives on agro-ecology2020/03/03English26
Landcare and Livelihoods: The Promotion and Adoption of Conservation Farming Systems in the Philippine Uplands2003/01/01English26
Asset building in response to value chain development: lessons from taro producers in Nicaragua2012/04/10English25
Intensification of conservation agriculture systems for increased livestock feed and maize production in Zimbabwe2013/11/19English25
The system of rice intensification as a sustainable agricultural innovation: introducing, adapting and scaling up a system of rice intensification practices in the Timbuktu region of Mali2011/02/01English25
Traceability and ethical concerns in the UK wheat—bread chain: from food safety to provenance to transparency2009/11/01English25
The effects of agroecological farming systems on smallholder livelihoods: a case study on push–pull system from Western Kenya2020/09/27English25
Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potential from fertilizer manufacture and application in India2010/08/01English24
Generational dynamics of agricultural intensification in Malawi: challenges for the youth and elderly smallholder farmers2020/03/27English24
Volunteer farmer-trainer motivations in East Africa: practical implications for enhancing farmer-to-farmer extension2016/02/05English24
Conservation agriculture (CA) in Tanzania: the case of the Mwangaza B CA farmer field school (FFS), Rhotia Village, Karatu District, Arusha2011/02/01English24
Underground assets: potato biodiversity to improve the livelihoods of the poor2009/11/01English24
Developers and farmers intertwining interventions: the case of rainwater harvesting and food-for-work in Degua Temben, Tigray, Ethiopia2008/01/01English24