IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the capacity of a cellular CDMA system1991/05/01872
Finite-state Markov channel-a useful model for radio communication channels1995/02/01608
A simple distributed autonomous power control algorithm and its convergence1993/01/01584
An analysis of pilot symbol assisted modulation for Rayleigh fading channels (mobile radio)1991/01/01475
Information theoretic considerations for cellular mobile radio1994/05/01425
Capacity of Rayleigh fading channels under different adaptive transmission and diversity-combining techniques1999/07/01424
Performance of optimum transmitter power control in cellular radio systems1992/01/01392
Autonomous intelligent cruise control1993/01/01321
ADVISOR 2.1: a user-friendly advanced powertrain simulation using a combined backward/forward approach1999/01/01308
Analysis for mean effective gain of mobile antennas in land mobile radio environments1990/05/01296
Automated vehicle control developments in the PATH program1991/02/01283
Overview of cellular CDMA1991/05/01269
The land mobile satellite communication channel-recording, statistics, and channel model1991/05/01261
Optimizing networks of traffic signals in real time-the SCOOT method1991/02/01259
Distributed cochannel interference control in cellular radio systems1992/01/01257
A stochastic model of the temporal and azimuthal dispersion seen at the base station in outdoor propagation environments2000/03/01256
Site-specific propagation prediction for wireless in-building personal communication system design1994/01/01219
Effect of fading correlation on adaptive arrays in digital mobile radio1994/01/01212
On verifying the first-order Markovian assumption for a Rayleigh fading channel model1996/05/01205
Pilot-symbol-aided channel estimation for OFDM in wireless systems2000/07/01198
Polarization diversity in mobile communications1990/01/01197
A physical mobile radio channel model1991/05/01191
Area spectral efficiency of cellular mobile radio systems1999/07/01183
Spread spectrum for mobile communications1991/05/01181
A statistical discrete-time model for the WSSUS multipath channel1992/01/01173
Sum of gamma variates and performance of wireless communication systems over Nakagami-fading channels2001/01/01167
Capacity improvement with base-station antenna arrays in cellular CDMA1994/01/01166
Estimate of channel capacity in Rayleigh fading environment1990/01/01162
Zero forcing and minimum mean-square-error equalization for multiuser detection in code-division multiple-access channels1996/05/01160
Energy absorption mechanism by biological bodies in the near field of dipole antennas above 300 MHz1992/01/01159