
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Complexity Analysis and DSP Implementation of the Fractional-Order Lorenz Hyperchaotic System2015/12/18English164
Entropy Generation on MHD Casson Nanofluid Flow over a Porous Stretching/Shrinking Surface2016/04/06English163
Applications of Entropy in Finance: A Review2013/11/11English162
Entropy and Fractal Antennas2016/03/04English161
Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases2013/04/18English156
Design of Light-Weight High-Entropy Alloys2016/09/13English155
Alloying and Processing Effects on the Aqueous Corrosion Behavior of High-Entropy Alloys2014/02/14English154
Multivariate Multi-Scale Permutation Entropy for Complexity Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease EEG2012/07/04English152
Harmonic Sierpinski Gasket and Applications2018/09/17English151
Axiomatic Characterizations of Information Measures2008/09/19English147
Amines in the Earth’s Atmosphere: A Density Functional Theory Study of the Thermochemistry of Pre-Nucleation Clusters2011/02/21English145
Lattice Distortions in the FeCoNiCrMn High Entropy Alloy Studied by Theory and Experiment2016/09/02English143
Sleep Stage Classification Using EEG Signal Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey and New Investigation2016/08/23English143
On the Thermodynamics of Friction and Wear―A Review2010/04/27English140
New Results on Fractional Power Series: Theories and Applications2013/12/02English139
The Nonadditive Entropy Sq and Its Applications in Physics and Elsewhere: Some Remarks2011/09/28English138
Quantifying Unique Information2014/04/15English133
High-Entropy Alloys for Advanced Nuclear Applications2021/01/11English133
Progress in Finite Time Thermodynamic Studies for Internal Combustion Engine Cycles2016/04/15English131
Automatic Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signals Using Multi-Domain Feature Extraction and Nonlinear Analysis2017/05/27English130
Amplitude- and Fluctuation-Based Dispersion Entropy2018/03/20English129
Additive Manufacturing of High-Entropy Alloys: A Review2018/12/06English129
Optimal Multi-Level Thresholding Based on Maximum Tsallis Entropy via an Artificial Bee Colony Approach2011/04/13English128
A Novel Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model for Building Material Supplier Selection Based on Entropy-AHP Weighted TOPSIS2020/02/24English127
Multi-Scale Permutation Entropy Based on Improved LMD and HMM for Rolling Bearing Diagnosis2017/04/19English123
Microstructures and Crackling Noise of AlxNbTiMoV High Entropy Alloys2014/02/13English123
On Wasserstein Two-Sample Testing and Related Families of Nonparametric Tests2017/01/26English122
Entropy and the Complexity of Graphs Revisited2012/03/14English121
Preclinical Diagnosis of Magnetic Resonance (MR) Brain Images via Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform with Tsallis Entropy and Generalized Eigenvalue Proximal Support Vector Machine (GEPSVM)2015/03/30English119
Entropy Generation and Natural Convection of CuO-Water Nanofluid in C-Shaped Cavity under Magnetic Field2016/02/05English117