Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Intention, Convergence and Indexical Reference2023/05/01English
An Ode to the Future Supermen: Understanding the Spiritual Experiment at Auroville2023/09/01English
Objective and Subjective Consequentialism Reconsidered2023/05/01English
Descartes’s Influence on Locke’s Theory of Knowledge2023/05/01English
Prof. Ramesh K. Sharma on Late Prof. K.C. Pandey’s review of book entitled J.M.E. McTaggart: Substance, Self, and Immortality2022/04/18English
Devendra Nath Tiwari: Dynamics of the Language: Philosophy of the World of the Words: (A Set of Two Volumes) Vol. 1, pgs XXII + 404 and Vol. 2, pgs XXII + 503, D.K. Printworld (p) Ltd., New Delhi, Price-Rs. 2000/each volume2022/05/01English
Metaphysical Reading(s) of TLP2023/01/01English
An Assessment on the Feasibility of Describing a Revised Theory of Space and Time Based on the Bhagavata Purana2022/09/01English
Buddhist Moral Teachings is not Virtue Ethics: A Critical Response to Damien Keown’s View2024/02/09English
Emotions and Mahābhārata: A Phenomenological Study of Yudhiṣṭhira’s Grief in Śānti Parva2023/12/01English
Michael Bratman: The Notion of Shared Agency in Meshing Sub-plans2023/11/15English
On Davidson Against Language as Conventional2023/09/01English
Cognitive Tools for Narrating the Past: A Study of Classical India2022/09/01English
Placing Mind in the Natural World: In Search of an Alternative Naturalism2023/12/26English
Historiography of Indian Philosophy: Reflections on Periodization and Conceptualization2022/03/06English
The Materiality of the Sign in Khasi Oral Tradition: Derrida’s Linguistic Materialism2022/03/10English
Buddha and Wittgenstein on the Notion of Self2022/01/01English
Organizing, Fitting, Predicting2020/11/23English
Some Implications of Arguing that Deliberation is Purely Rational2020/06/06English
Mental Causation—Problems and Buddhist Response2021/08/02English
A Study on the Concept of ‘Māyā’ in Kashmir Śivādvayavādī Darśan2021/08/16English
From the Desk of Editor-in-Chief2020/01/01English
Some Contemporary Views on the Nature of Darśana2020/04/06English
Dr. Suman Khanna Aggarwal’s: The Science of Peace2020/09/01English
Michel Foucault on Regenerative Relatedness of Power/Knowledge and Truth2020/09/01English
A Comparative Study of Ramanuja’s and Sirhindi’s Epistemological Views2020/08/29English
To Die or Not to Die: A Kantian Perspective on Euthanasia2021/11/07English
Kant Walks Meillassoux: Finitude and Correlationism2021/05/01English
Assimilation and Integration of Buddha Consciousness in the Cult of Lord Jagannātha2020/01/01English