Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Prāmāṇyavāda in the Text Tātparyaṭīkā and Pariśuddhi2018/04/19English
The Problem of Alienation: An Upanishadic Resolution2018/04/23English
Problems of Translation for Cross-Cultural Experimental Philosophy2017/09/01English
In Search of Understanding: Re-reading The Theaetetus2018/03/22English
Puruṣārtha as Value-Schema Embedded in Indian Thought2018/01/01English
Ambedkarite Philosophy of Reservation and Its Consequences2018/03/22English
Reading the Second Sex: Influence of Hegel’s Master and Slave Dialectic2018/03/21English
Did Locke Hold the Representative Theory of Perception?2017/03/14English
Tandra Patnaik, God as Sunya: The Philosophy of Mahima Dharma and Bhima Bhoi2017/02/21English
Derek Parfit: The Philosopher’s Philosopher2017/01/01English
Klaus Karttunen (ed.): History of Indological Studies2017/01/01English
Jean-Paul Sartre’s Phenomenological Ontology and Its Cartesian Moorings2017/02/07English
To Each His God: an Upanishadic Approach to Religion2015/04/28English
On ‘the Ethics of Theorizing’ in the Cracked Mirror: Some Comments2015/01/01English
Ryle and the Immediacy of First-Person Authority2015/01/01English
On Composition and Decomposition of the Body: Rethinking Health and Illness2015/01/01English
Ethics of Globalization: Challenges and Prospects2015/04/10English
Realm Between Immanent and Transcendent2015/01/01English
Discussion and Comments: A Response to Prof. Prasad’s ‘Wittgenstein’s Criticism of Moore’s Propositions of Certainty…’2015/01/01English
Can Determinism Give a Causal Explanation of Intentional Behaviour? Revisiting the Concepts of Determinism, Fatalism and Rational Agency2015/01/01English
Is Ethical Theory Opposed to Moral Practice?2015/07/09English
Ecology and its Spiritual Significance: a Christian Reading2015/12/11English
The Heterodox Insider K. Satchidananda Murty: A Critique of His The Indian Spirit2016/11/03English
Gandhi’s Synthesis of Liberal and Communitarian Values: Its Basis and Insights2016/03/25English
Sharad Deshpande (ed): Philosophy in Colonial India2016/05/01English
Semantic Presuppositions in Political Personhood: The Case of Discourse-Theoretic Rationality and Social Externalism2016/05/01English
Philosophy of Logic2017/05/12English
Varieties of Pluralism and Objectivity in Mathematics2017/03/22English