Studies in Continuing Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Learning for revival; British trade unions and workplace learning A shorter version of this article appeared in 2004, as a Research Note inWork, Employment and Society, 18(2), 413–420.2005/11/01English11
Using Models of Feminist Pedagogies to Think About Issues and Directions in Graduate Education for Women Students2000/05/01English11
Knowing how to know: questioning ‘knowledge transfer’ as a model for knowing and learning in health2007/07/01English11
Collaborative Learning in a Web-mediated Environment: A study of communicative practices2001/11/01English11
Contextualised Meaning Making: One way of rethinking experiential learning and self-directed learning?2002/11/01English11
Continuing professional and career development: the doctoral experience of education alumni at a UK university2004/11/01English10
Issues in Supervisory Facilitation2002/05/01English10
Quality of assessment of prior learning (APL) in university programmes: perceptions of candidates, tutors and assessors2009/03/01English10
Adult learning in collaborative action research: reflections on the supervision process1993/01/01English10
Towards a theory of workplace learning1992/01/01English10
The significance of ontogeny and habitus in constructing theories of learning12004/03/01English10
Work-based learning, identity and organisational culture2010/03/01English10
A strong core of qualities—a model of the professional educator that moves beyond reflection2003/11/01English10
Negotiating Knowledge in the Knowledge Economy: Workplace educators and the politics of codification2001/11/01English10
Mothers who are student teachers: navigating their dual roles in pre-service teacher education2008/07/01English9
Transformative learning in managerial role transitions2008/03/01English9
An ecological model of e-learning in a Chinese context: critical reflections of five years’ practice of e-learning management in the BIOE2006/07/01English9
“Moving” Experiences: globalisation, pedagogy and experiential learning1998/11/01English9
Learning that comes from the negative interpretation of life experience1996/01/01English9
Factors that influence PhD candidates’ success: the importance of PhD project characteristics2019/08/07English9
Becoming flexible: contested territory1997/01/01English9
Developing learning‐centred trainers and tutors1992/01/01English8
From process to practice: research, reflexivity and writing in adult education1993/01/01English8
Knowledge-building quality in online communities of practice: focusing on learning dialogue12006/11/01English8
Scaffold instruction at the workplace from a situated perspective2008/11/01English8
"Bums on Seats"; or "Listening to Voices": Evaluating widening participation initiatives using participatory action research2000/05/01English8
Cognitive Skills Required in Contemporary Workplaces1998/05/01English8
A tale of the field: reading power and gender in the learning organization2005/03/01English8
Changing concepts in adult education1996/01/01English8