
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Artificial neural networks: a tutorial1996/03/011,398
Role-based access control models1996/01/011,138
Networks on chips: a new SoC paradigm2002/01/01863
Query by image and video content: the QBIC system1995/01/01855
A spiral model of software development and enhancement1988/05/01853
Genetic algorithms: a survey1994/06/01786
Fuzzy logic1988/04/01776
Chameleon: hierarchical clustering using dynamic modeling1999/01/01747
Location systems for ubiquitous computing2001/01/01698
Self-organization in a perceptual network1988/03/01602
Simics: A full system simulation platform2002/01/01560
Using occupancy grids for mobile robot perception and navigation1989/06/01521
The ART of adaptive pattern recognition by a self-organizing neural network1988/03/01514
SimpleScalar: an infrastructure for computer system modeling2002/01/01429
Functional-link net computing: theory, system architecture, and functionalities1992/05/01426
A survey of wormhole routing techniques in direct networks1993/02/01397
Mediators in the architecture of future information systems1992/03/01391
Applying 'design by contract'1992/10/01365
Self-organization and identification of Web communities2002/03/01357
Agile software development: the business of innovation2001/01/01276
Agile software development, the people factor2001/01/01253
The Stanford Dash multiprocessor1992/03/01250
PicoRodio supports ad hoc ultra-low power wireless networking2000/07/01248
Misconceptions about real-time computing: a serious problem for next-generation systems1988/10/01246
Shared memory consistency models: a tutorial1996/01/01237
Smart Dust: communicating with a cubic-millimeter computer2001/01/01233
Computer-supported cooperative work: history and focus1994/05/01214
An introduction to disk drive modeling1994/03/01213
Get ready for agile methods, with care2002/01/01208
Parallel finite-element computation of 3D flows1993/10/01208