Marine Resource Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Estimating the Cost of Oil Spills: Lessons from the Amoco Cadiz Incident1986/01/01English48
Investigating Preference Heterogeneity in a Repeated Discrete-Choice Recreation Demand Model of Atlantic Salmon Fishing2000/04/01English48
The Icelandic Individual Transferable Quota System: A Descriptive Account1993/10/01English48
A Conjoint Approach to Model Product Preferences: The New England Market for Fresh and Frozen Salmon1993/04/01English47
Productivity Growth in the Supply Chain—Another Source of Competitiveness for Aquaculture2007/01/01English47
Ecolabeling Seafood for Sustainable Production: Implications for Fisheries Management2000/07/01English46
Trade Disputes and Productivity Gains: The Curse of Farmed Salmon Production?1997/04/01English46
Investment Behaviour and Capacity Adjustment in Fisheries: A Survey of the Literature2011/06/01English44
A Fish Is a Fish Is a Fish? Testing for Market Linkages on the Paris Fish Market1993/12/01English43
Discard Behavior, Highgrading and Regulation: The Case of the Greenland Shrimp Fishery1996/12/01English43
A Multistage Budgeting Approach to the Analysis of Demand for Fish: An Application to Inland Areas of Bangladesh2011/03/01English43
Valuing Beach Width for Recreational Use: Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Data2013/09/01English42
ITQs in Denmark and Resource Rent Gains2010/03/01English42
Substitutability Among Species in the Japanese Tuna Market: A Cointegration Analysis1996/10/01English42
Market Integration of Farmed Trout in Germany2007/01/01English42
Optimal Partial Harvesting Schedule for Aquaculture Operations2006/01/01English42
Valuing Enhancements to Endangered Species Protection under Alternative Baseline Futures: The Case of the Steller Sea Lion2010/06/01English41
Development and Implementation of New Zealand's ITQ Management System1988/01/01English41
Description and Evaluation of the Wreckfish (Polyprion Americanus) Fishery under Individual Transferable Quotas1994/07/01English41
Price Uncertainty, Expectations Formation and Fishers' Location Choices1993/10/01English41
Distributional Effects of the Transition to Property Rights for a Common-Pool Resource2016/01/01English40
A Bioeconomic Analysis of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Lobster Fishery1992/10/01English39
The Economics of Information: Markets for Seafood Attributes2002/01/01English39
Technical Efficiency in a Heterogeneous Fishery: The Case of Norwegian Groundfish Fisheries2011/12/01English39
Individual Vessel Quotas in Peru: Stopping the Race for Anchovies2011/09/01English39
Consistent Aggregation in Fish Demand: A Study of French Salmon Demand2011/12/01English39
Size and Bag Limits in Recreational Fisheries: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis2003/01/01English38
The Impact of Animal Welfare and Environmental Information on the Choice of Organic Fish: An Empirical Investigation of German Trout Consumers2019/07/01English38
Designing a Cost-Effective Marine Reserve Network: A Bioeconomic Metapopulation Analysis2004/01/01English38