Physical Review B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Machine learning based interatomic potential for amorphous carbon2017/03/03English64
Atomic cluster expansion for accurate and transferable interatomic potentials2019/01/08English59
Accurate interatomic force fields via machine learning with covariant kernels2017/06/08English42
Unifying time evolution and optimization with matrix product states2016/10/10English40
Efficient and accurate machine-learning interpolation of atomic energies in compositions with many species2017/07/21English40
Hierarchical quantum master equation approach to electronic-vibrational coupling in nonequilibrium transport through nanosystems2016/11/15English37
On-the-fly machine learning force field generation: Application to melting points2019/07/17English34
More realistic band gaps from meta-generalized gradient approximations: Only in a generalized Kohn-Sham scheme2016/05/24English33
Zero-temperature localization in a sub-Ohmic spin-boson model investigated by an extended hierarchy equation of motion2017/06/28English29
Efficient nonparametricn-body force fields from machine learning2018/05/24English28
Accelerating crystal structure prediction by machine-learning interatomic potentials with active learning2019/02/27English27
Cubic scalingGW: Towards fast quasiparticle calculations2016/10/05English26
Prediction model of band gap for inorganic compounds by combination of density functional theory calculations and machine learning techniques2016/03/01English26
Hybrid solvation models for bulk, interface, and membrane: Reference interaction site methods coupled with density functional theory2017/09/18English25
Theory of finite size effects for electronic quantum Monte Carlo calculations of liquids and solids2016/07/12English25
Benchmark tests of a strongly constrained semilocal functional with a long-range dispersion correction2016/09/21English23
Hydrodynamics of operator spreading and quasiparticle diffusion in interacting integrable systems2018/12/17English22
Spectral functions of the uniform electron gas via coupled-cluster theory and comparison to theGWand related approximations2016/06/20English21
Four-phonon scattering significantly reduces intrinsic thermal conductivity of solids2017/10/27English21
Ab initiotensorial electronic friction for molecules on metal surfaces: Nonadiabatic vibrational relaxation2016/09/23English21
Neural-network-enhanced evolutionary algorithm applied to supported metal nanoparticles2018/05/16English21
Polynomial similarity transformation theory: A smooth interpolation between coupled cluster doubles and projected BCS applied to the reduced BCS Hamiltonian2016/03/14English21
Electric multipole moments, topological multipole moment pumping, and chiral hinge states in crystalline insulators2017/12/11English21
Determination of spin torque efficiencies in heterostructures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy2016/04/08English20
Including crystal structure attributes in machine learning models of formation energies via Voronoi tessellations2017/07/14English20
Discovering phase transitions with unsupervised learning2016/11/02English19
Deorbitalized meta-GGA exchange-correlation functionals in solids2018/09/28English19
Boosting the accuracy and speed of quantum Monte Carlo: Size consistency and time step2016/06/29English18
Comparative first-principles studies of prototypical ferroelectric materials by LDA, GGA, and SCAN meta-GGA2017/07/24English18
Relevance of the Pauli kinetic energy density for semilocal functionals2019/10/25English18