Pediatric Physical Therapy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Reliability and Validity of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory1996/01/01English105
An Activity Based Approach to Early Intervention1992/01/01English101
The Effects of Prone Positioning on the Quality and Acquisition of Developmental Milestones in Four-Month-Old Infants2007/01/01English86
Reliability for Running Tests for Measuring Agility and Anaerobic Muscle Power in Children and Adolescents with Cerebal Palsy2007/01/01English85
Relationships Among Measures of Walking Efficiency, Gross Motor Ability, and Isokinetic Strength In Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy1994/01/01English80
Endurance and Gait in Children With Cerebral Palsy After Intensive Body Weight-Supported Treadmill Training2007/01/01English76
Evaluation of a Community Fitness Program for Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy1999/01/01English72
A Content Validity Study of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory1991/01/01English67
Increasing Ankle Strength to Improve Gait and Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study2006/01/01English65
Dual-Task Methodology: Applications in Studies of Cognitive and Motor Performance in Adults and Children2001/01/01English62
Using the Berg Balance Scale to Distinguish Balance Abilities in Children with Cerebral Palsy2002/01/01English58
Interrater and Intrarater Reliability of the Modified Ashworth Scale in Children with Hypertonia2005/01/01English57
Effects of Traditional Treatment and Partial Body Weight Treadmill Training on the Motor Skills of Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy2007/01/01English56
Efficacy of a Neuro-Developmental Treatment Program to Improve Motor Control in Infants Born Prematurely1994/01/01English52
Early and Intensive Treadmill Locomotor Training for Young Children with Cerebral Palsy1997/01/01English52
Effects of Constraint-Induced Therapy on Hand Function in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy2001/01/01English46
Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation during Gait in Children with Cerebral Palsy1997/01/01English45
A Comparison of Bone Mineral Density in Adolescent Female Swimmers, Soccer Players, and Weight Lifters2006/01/01English44
Dual-Task Methodology: Applications in Studies of Cognitive and Motor Performance in Adults and Children2001/01/01English43
Influence of Hippotherapy on the Kinematics and Functional Performance of Two Children with Cerebral Palsy1999/01/01English43
The Physiology of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation1997/01/01English42
Validity of the Gross Motor Function Measure1998/01/01English41
The Use of Functional Reach as a Measurement of Balance in Boys and Girls Without Disabilities Ages 5 to 15 Years1994/01/01English41
The Effects of Knowledge of Performance and Cognitive Strategies on Motor Skill Learning in Children with Cerebral Palsy2002/01/01English40
Parent/Caregiver Perspectives on the Use of Power Wheelchairs1996/01/01English40
Population-Based Age Standards for Interpreting Results on the Test of Motor Infant Performance2006/01/01English39
Cross-Cultural Similarities and Differences in Development and the Impact of Parental Expectations on Motor Behavior1995/01/01English39
Hip Abductor and Knee Extensor Muscle Strength of Children with and without Down Syndrome2001/01/01English36
A Historical and Current View of the Basis of NDT1991/01/01English35
Assessment of Anthropometric Factors on Balance Tests in Children1998/01/01English34