Should Blacks Represent Blacks and Women Represent Women? A Contingent "Yes" | 1999/08/01 | English | 1,148 |
The Determinants of Success of Special Interests in Redistributive Politics | 1996/11/01 | English | 669 |
Public Opinion Toward Immigration Reform: The Role of Economic Motivations | 1997/08/01 | English | 655 |
On the Limits of Framing Effects: Who Can Frame? | 2001/11/01 | English | 608 |
Electoral Politics as a Redistributive Game | 1986/05/01 | English | 588 |
Misinformation and the Currency of Democratic Citizenship | 2000/08/01 | English | 511 |
Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems | 1991/11/01 | English | 506 |
Good News and Bad News: Asymmetric Responses to Economic Information | 2006/05/01 | English | 498 |
Hot Cognition or Cool Consideration? Testing the Effects of Motivated Reasoning on Political Decision Making | 2002/11/01 | English | 460 |
The Impact of Corruption on Regime Legitimacy: A Comparative Study of Four Latin American Countries | 2002/05/01 | English | 457 |
Knowing and Caring about Politics: Gender and Political Engagement | 1997/11/01 | English | 442 |
Behavioral Assumptions of Policy Tools | 1990/05/01 | English | 440 |
Lagged Explanatory Variables and the Estimation of Causal Effect | 2017/07/01 | English | 403 |
Public Support for European Integration: An Empirical Test of Five Theories | 1998/05/01 | English | 398 |
A Theory of Critical Elections | 1955/02/01 | English | 392 |
Issue Frames and Group-Centrism in American Public Opinion | 1996/11/01 | English | 378 |
Policy Networks and Innovation Diffusion: The Case of State Education Reforms | 1998/02/01 | English | 372 |
The Effects of Negative Political Campaigns: A Meta-Analytic Reassessment | 2007/11/01 | English | 345 |
The Political Conditioning of Economic Perceptions | 2006/02/01 | English | 340 |
Ideological Realignment in the U.S. Electorate | 1998/08/01 | English | 339 |
Public Support for the European Union: Cost/Benefit Analysis or Perceived Cultural Threat? | 2002/05/01 | English | 323 |
Same Facts, Different Interpretations: Partisan Motivation and Opinion on Iraq | 2007/11/01 | English | 318 |
Fundamental Principles of Democracy: Bases of Agreement and Disagreement | 1960/05/01 | English | 316 |
Growth and Governance: Models, Measures, and Mechanisms | 2007/05/01 | English | 310 |
Agenda Setting and Legislative Success in State Legislatures: The Effects of Gender and Race | 1999/08/01 | English | 304 |
The Contagion of Women Candidates in Single-Member District and Proportional Representation Electoral Systems: Canada and Norway | 1996/08/01 | English | 301 |
Evidence of the Long-Term Persistence of Adults' Political Predispositions | 1999/02/01 | English | 301 |
The Politics of Path Dependency: Political Conflict in Historical Institutionalism | 2005/11/01 | English | 300 |
The Impact of Women on State Legislative Policies | 1991/11/01 | English | 292 |
Beyond the Self: Social Identity, Altruism, and Political Participation | 2007/08/01 | English | 282 |