Natural Areas Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evaluating a Fire Management Plan for Fire Regime Goals in a Florida Landscape2017/04/01English26
Spatial Patterns of Endemic Plants in California2009/10/01English26
Effect of Imazapic on Cheatgrass and Native Plants in Wyoming Big Sagebrush Restoration for Gunnison Sage-grouse2009/07/01English26
Fire Ecology of the Florida Box Turtle (Terrapene Carolina BauriTaylor) in Pine Rockland Forests of the Lower Florida Keys2010/07/01English26
Wilderness Conservation in an Era of Global Warming and Invasive Species: A Case Study from Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness2009/10/01English25
Fire Frequency Affects Structure and Composition of Xeric Forests of Eastern Oklahoma2010/10/01English25
Motivations for using Conservation Easements as a Land Protection Mechanism: A Mixed Methods Analysis2011/01/01English25
Common Methods for Tallgrass Prairie Restoration and Their Potential Effects on Bee Diversity2016/10/01English23
Assessing an Imperiled Oak Savanna Landscape in Northwestern Ohio using Landsat Data2011/04/01English23
Food Habits of Jaguar and Puma in a Protected Area and Adjacent Fragmented Landscape of Northeastern Mexico2015/04/01English23
Do Bark Beetle Outbreaks Increase Wildfire Risks in the Central U.S. Rocky Mountains? Implications from Recent Research2013/01/01English23
Promoting Species Establishment in aPhragmites-Dominated Great Lakes Coastal Wetland2009/07/01English22
Woody Encroachment in Northern Great Plains Grasslands: Perceptions, Actions, and Needs2017/01/01English22
Floral Guilds of Bees in Sagebrush Steppe: Comparing Bee Usage of Wildflowers Available for Postfire Restoration2016/10/01English22
Earthworm Invasions in Northern Hardwood Forests: a Rapid Assessment Method2013/01/01English21
Status, Threats and Conservation Recommendations for Wild Bumble Bees (Bombusspp.) in Ontario, Canada: A Review for Policymakers and Practitioners2016/10/01English21
Assessing Potential Seed Transfer Zones for Five Forb Species from the Great Basin Floristic Region, USA2015/01/01English21
Tree Cavity Resources in Spruce-Pine Managed and Protected Stands of the Białowieża Forest, Poland2014/10/01English21
Forbs: Foundation for Restoration of Monarch Butterflies, other Pollinators, and Greater Sage-Grouse in the Western United States2016/10/01English20
Development of Native Plant Materials for Restoration and Rehabilitation of Colorado Plateau Ecosystems2015/01/01English20
Old Forests and Endangered Woodpeckers: Old-Growth in the Southern Coastal Plain2009/07/01English20
The Response of Understory Species Composition, Diversity, and Seedling Regeneration to Repeated Burning in Southern Appalachian Oak-Hickory Forests2009/07/01English19
Forty-Seven Year Changes in Vegetation at the Apostle Islands: Effects of Deer on the Forest Understory2009/04/01English19
Sixty-Seven Years of Landscape Change in the Last, Large Remnant of the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie2012/04/0119
Release of Suppressed Red Spruce Using Canopy Gap Creation—Ecological Restoration in the Central Appalachians2016/01/0119
Secondary Succession in the Sagebrush Semidesert 66 Years After Fire in the Great Basin, USA2016/04/01English19
Conservation Approaches to Protecting Critical Habitats and Species on Private Property2012/04/0118
Rehabilitating Slash Pile Burn Scars in Upper Montane Forests of the Colorado Front Range2011/04/01English18
Edge Effects on Sapling Characteristics and Microclimate in a Small Temperate Deciduous Forest Fragment2012/01/01English18
Natural Recovery of Rough Fescue (Festuca hallii(Vasey) Piper) Grassland After Disturbance by Pipeline Construction in Central Alberta, Canada2013/01/01English18