Philosophia Scientae

Title Publication Date Language Citations
An interview with Christophe Vieu, directeur de recherche at LAAS, Toulouse, 8 December 20172019/02/18
Locating phylogenetic analyses between the historical and experimental sciences2019/05/24
Is experimental moral philosophy really experimental?2019/05/24
Understanding and Experimentation, in view of Irrationality2019/05/24
First-Person Data and Psychological Experiments2019/05/24
Experimental Reasoning in Sociology2019/05/24
Eternity and Development: The Question of Leśniewski’s Logical Time2019/05/24
Randomized Controlled Trials. A comparison between medicine and economics2019/05/24
To Observe Is To Experiment. A lesson received from the use of observation instruments in the biomedical sciences2019/05/24
An inquiry into the modes of existence of mathematical beings2019/10/25
De la connaissance sensible et de la parité qu’elle manifeste entre l’homme et l’animal2019/10/25
The Utopian City : The Origin and Genesis of the International Center for Genetic Epistemology2019/10/25
The Idea of mathesis universalis in Jules Vuillemin’s Philosophie de l’algèbre I and II2020/10/25
Modernizaciones en Minas Gerais: Elementos teóricos-conceptuales y esciciones geohistóricas2020/10/25
Readings and Issues of Jules Vuillemin’s Philosophie de l’algèbre. Introduction2020/10/25
Modernizaciones en Minas Gerais: Elementos teóricos-conceptuales y esciciones geohistóricas2020/10/25
Structure and Evolution of Jules Vuillemin’s La Philosophie de l’algèbre (volume I and II)2020/10/25
Between science and anarchism: Metchnikoff and the revolution2020/10/25
Analysis, si uti scias, potens est. Reappraisal of Heuristic Power of Greek Geometrical Analysis2021/10/25
Diagrams in Intra-Configurational Analysis2021/10/25
Outline of a project entitled “Phenomenology of Perception”12022/11/03
Une leçon de phénoménologie constitutive12022/11/03
Gestalt Epistemology: From Gestalt Psychology to Phenomenology in the Work of Michael Polanyi2022/11/03
A Procedure rather than a Theory : Kotarbinski’s and Garfinkel’s praxeologies 2022/11/03
Thomas Kuhn on Transformations of the Scientific World-View and Gestalt Psychology2022/11/03
Truth as Contextual Correspondence in Quantum Mechanics2015/03/01
Sur la théorie des sciences d’Henri Poincaré2014/06/15French
Les thèses et les mesures photoélectriques de Jakob Kunz (1909-1913)2014/06/15French
Introduction au rapport inédit de Helmholtz sur Mosso2013/10/01French
On the Ontology of Linguistic Frameworks Toward a Comprehensive Version of Empiricism2015/03/01