Matematychni Metody Ta Fizyko-Mekhanichni Polya

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Influence of a thin metal layer on the propagation of Bleustein–Gulyaev waves in piezoelectric bodies2020/09/281
Axisymmetric thermoelastic deformation of a multilayer foundation with imperfect thermal contact of its layers2020/09/281
3D dynamic analysis of layered elastic shells2020/12/281
Investigation of the initial stage of fracture of a piece-homogeneous body with interface crack under compression along the interface2020/12/281
Three-point difference schemes of high accuracy order for Sturm–Liouville problem2020/12/281
On the semigroup which is generated by extended bicyclic semigroup and ω-closed family2021/03/301
Elastic equilibrium of anisotropic bimaterial bodies with thin elastic anisotropic inclusions under longitudinal shear2021/09/281
Mathematical modeling of processes of convective diffusion and sorption in a three-layered porous body. I. Mass transfer of impurity particles with porous solution2021/12/281
Mathematical modeling of the gas-filtration in the bottomhole zone of underground gas-storage wells using fractional derivatives2021/12/281
Reconstruction of thermal loading of a functionally-graded hollow sphere by the surface displacements2020/03/301
Finite element analysis of elastic-plastic state of the plane with elliptic inclusion in the presence of interphase crack2020/03/301
A nonlocal problem with multipoint perturbations of strongly regular Birkhoff boundary conditions for an even-order differential operator2020/03/301
Fundamental solutions for degenerate parabolic equations: existence, properties and some their applications2021/06/291
On the Smith normal form of least common multiple of matrices from some class of matrices2021/06/291
Integration of the equations of plane axisymmetric problems of elasticity and thermoelasticity for layered solid cylinders2022/06/30
On decay estimates of the solutions of initial boundary value problem for the system of semilinear equations of magnetoelasticity with dissipative term in exterior domains2022/06/30
Mathematical modeling of the processes of convective diffusion and sorption in a tree-layered porous body. II. Quantitative analysis of concentration of impurity particles at contact interfaces2022/06/30
Mathematical modeling of the dynamic interaction of thin piezoceramic inclusion of variable thickness with elastic medium under axisymmetric torsion2022/06/30
A problem of linear conjugation with multipoint conditions in the case of multiple nodes for higher-order strictly hyperbolic homogeneous equations2022/06/30
Response of a poroelastic semi-infinite strip to the compression acting upon its lateral sides2022/06/30
Wedging out of an elastic half-plane along the boundary semi-infinite crack2022/06/30
Quasistatic thermoelastic state of a layered functionally graded cylinder with accounting thermal radiation2022/06/30
On the semigroup of injective endomorphisms of the semigroup $\mathbf{B}_\omega^{\it F_n}$ which is generated by the family $\it F_n$ of initial finite intervals of $\omega$2022/06/30
Branching of solutions of the nonlinear equations arising in the problems of synthesis of the plane antenna arrays2022/06/30
Free vibrations of an open cylindrical shells of various elliptical cross-sections2022/06/30
Inverse problems of determination of a time-dependent coefficient of parabolic equation with involution and anti-periodicity conditions2022/06/30
General boundary value problem for nonuniformly parabolic equations with power singularities2022/06/30
Σ-functions of categories of matrix representations of nilpotent semigroups2022/06/30
Matrix linear bilateral equations over different domains, methods for construction of solutions and description of their structure2022/06/30
On symmetry reduction of the (1+3)-dimensional inhomogeneous Monge–Ampère equation to algebraic equations2022/06/30